paralyzed dachshunds

Living Worlds Apart – Love of Special Needs Dachshunds Brings Us Together

paulo, ellen and me

Gidget, me, Paulo and Ellen at our local cafe in Elkhart Lake, Off the Rail

When I decided to take a leap of faith and write my children’s books about my dachshund, Frankie, in a wheelchair, and then my memoir Through Frankie’s Eyes, little did I know who I’d meet along the way.

I just knew I had to tell Frankie’s story. I just knew I wanted to make a difference. I just knew I wanted to give others hope.

Writing my books has connected me to some truly wonderful people. Paulo and Ellen are two of those people – friends, really, because we will forever share a bond because of our love of dachshunds.

Not only that, but both our dogs came down with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) and needed a wheelchair to help them move around.

Paulo, half way around the world, lives in Brazil and found out about me, Frankie, and our story. Initially he came across me via the great organization, Dodgerslist which helps pet owners whose dogs have been diagnosed with IVDD.

I still remember receiving an email from him asking if I could send my memoir to him in Brazil even though it was going to cost him quite a bit to have me ship it internationally. I was so honored and touched.

Paulo is Italian, but his parents feared Hitler and what was happening in Germany during that reign of terror. His parents traveled to Holland thinking they’d be safe there, but after crossing into Holland without even realizing it, they feared Hitler and his army could do the same just as easily.

His father wanted an ocean between him and his wife and that terrible time in history, so they ventured to Brazil. This is where Paulo was born and has lived for most of his life.

He attended an American school in Brazil which helped him to get into UW-Madison, Wisconsin, where he studied for 12-years.  To think he was only two hours away from me during that time!

But it would first be yesterday that we met in person right here in my small village of 950 people in Elkhart Lake.

Being a car enthusiast he has been to Elkhart Lake a few times and the last time in 2011 to see the races at our well known track, Road America. When I think about the fact that he was here about 9 months before Frankie passed away, I wish he could have met her.

But it wasn’t meant to be and it was only when his Poncho went down with IVDD that he discovered my story and the connection was made.

Back in Elkhart Lake this weekend for the spring vintage car races at Road America, he looked me up on Facebook and sent me a message—could we meet for coffee?

It was sunny and in the upper 60s yesterday and perfect for us to sit outside. I was able to bring Gidget along for him and his wife, Ellen to meet, and their friend Tom, who joined us also.

The spirits of Frankie and Poncho were in my heart as we sat together, talking about our beloved dachshunds and getting to know each other better.

paulo and poncho

Paulo and his belated, beloved Poncho

I really didn’t want the time to end because being with them felt familiar in that our journey’s so similar. But most of all, the love we shared for our special needs dogs is something that has changed us all for the better.

And what brought us together even though we live worlds apart.

It was a magical morning and a memory I’ll carry in my heart right along with Frankie who resides snug and sound as the little dog on wheels who made this all possible.

Safe travels home my friends always, Paulo and Ellen!

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Review: Waterproof Blankets for Paralyzed and Senior Incontinent Dogs

Review: Waterproof Blankets for Paralyzed and Senior Incontinent Dogs

Gidget almost blends right into her waterproof blanket!

Every now and then I get to test a product for special needs pups. Well, I guess you could say Miss Gidget got to test this particular product!

Catherine of Blankets in Bloom sent me one of her very soft, well made waterproof blankets to give it a test run.

From her etsy shop some helpful information about the blankets:

This new line of WATERPROOF dog blankets is convenient to use and provides an added layer of comfort for your dog. These blankets are made with a flexible, durable, quality waterproof barrier fabric, known as PUL, as an inner lining. The PUL used is environmentally safe is flexible, durable fabric is as PUL, this quality waterproof barrier fabric is made with a process that uses no toxic solvents, and it is environmentally safe.

waterproof dog blanket with ties

I like the fact that with an incontinent dog that if overnight Gidget has an accident, the urine soaks into the PUL lining, leaving her drier until morning. I’ve washed the blanket a few times now and I must say, it washes up really nice and has retained it’s softness and shape.

This particular blanket shown above comes with ties on the corners, so if you have a burrower, like doxie’s are prone to be, you can secure it in each corner of a wire crate.

Also from Catherine’s description about her blankets serving the needs of paralyzed dogs:

We have also learned from the paralyzed dog community and those who have dogs with incontinence issues, how this product is beneficial. It is great to be able to put the blanket where it will be helpful, then stick it in the wash with fewer issues of wetness soaking through to the floor, crate, furniture or other place on which it is set.

If you plan to use the blanket on the floor or furniture and have a dog who loves to burrow, I would suggest getting two. Gidget immediately burrowed under hers when I placed it on the floor for her to check out.

waterproof dog blanket

I now keep it in her mesh crate she sleeps in overnight. I just place it over her bed inside the crate and she leaves it in place because I have another blanket to cover her.  If you know dachshunds- they can never have enough blankie’s!

Thank you to Catherine for allowing us to give the blanket a try and share with our readers. Miss Gidget and I approve with a thumbs up and a tail wag!

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It’s One of those Days Again. Overcome with Gratefulness.

Smoothe_3_largeThere are some days I just feel so overcome with gratefulness. Today is such a day.

As most of you know, I started The Frankie Wheelchair Fund to help other disabled dogs after my beloved dachshund, Frankie passed away in 2012.

You know, I remember when it all happened so clearly – the day she became paralyzed. What was my life going to look like from there on out?  Writing books about her, visiting schools, doing therapy dog work were certainly not what I had planned for my life. But, oh what joy it brought me. Such a clarity of purpose was that time in my life.

No plans what-so-ever of founding a day called National Walk ‘N Roll Dog or starting The Frankie Wheelchair Fund were even a part of my thought process of how my life would unfold.

I remember though, at the beginning, feeling alone in that I didn’t know of any other dogs in wheelchairs. It felt odd and I worried others would not understand why I decided to put my dog in a wheelchair– and there were, and still are, some that don’t.

I remember starting The Frankie Wheelchair Fund – now a one woman operation, of which my two-wheeled friend was now gone, and it was up to me to carry on her legacy. I do it with the utmost joy and each time another disabled dog is helped I feel Frankie’s spirit warm my insides.

It started with helping six small dogs and now has grown to just today granting a wheelchair for dog #32, named Lady who found on the side of the road paralyzed. She is being cared for my a pre-med veterinarian student.

The best part of it all?  All those that have come forward to help me. Those that support what I do and believe in helping these special needs dogs.  You all know who you are. I’m grateful for each and everyone of you.

And it happened again today. A note arrived in my email box from The Smoothe Store who opened their online shop this past June 21st with a portion of sales to be donated to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. I didn’t ask them. But it is their kind and giving hearts and their belief in what I do that they want to help. There is no greater compliment!

Here is a portion of what store owner Sarah had to say:

Hi Barbara,

I’ve enjoyed reading about the adventures of Frankie and seeing all of the great effort you’ve made in spreading awareness for IVDD and the quality of life that our two-wheeled friends can enjoy!

On June 21st we opened an online shop,The Smoothe Store, that features a variety of dachshund-focused items. We have a line of IVDD awareness products where a portion of profits are earmarked for Frankie’s Wheelchair Fund. Just wanted to let you know in advance since we’ve mentioned that a portion of profits go to this wonder fund!

Also, you featured my Mom’s fun loving Daisy (Barbara Whittington) a couple of months ago on your facebook page – she was so thrilled! You, along with the folks at Dodger’s List, have been a huge help and inspiration as our family as we’ve adjusted to life with a Daisy in wheels. Thank you!

Thank you very much,
Sarah j Whittington


Sarah started the store in loving memory of her adorable dachshund (whose photo is above), Smoothe.  I checked out the store and they have some very adorable wheelie dog items you just might want to see for yourself!

But I sit here in complete awe once again of the generosity of others and their extending of wanting to help me with my mission. It’s just one of those things you never see coming, but each time it happens, it expands my heart even more of all the good and kind there is in this world.

Thank you Sarah and everyone at The Smoothe Store!  I’ll be adding you to our list on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day donate/store page soon!

Check out The Smoothe Store today!