paralyzed dogs

Review: Waterproof Blankets for Paralyzed and Senior Incontinent Dogs

Review: Waterproof Blankets for Paralyzed and Senior Incontinent Dogs

Gidget almost blends right into her waterproof blanket!

Every now and then I get to test a product for special needs pups. Well, I guess you could say Miss Gidget got to test this particular product!

Catherine of Blankets in Bloom sent me one of her very soft, well made waterproof blankets to give it a test run.

From her etsy shop some helpful information about the blankets:

This new line of WATERPROOF dog blankets is convenient to use and provides an added layer of comfort for your dog. These blankets are made with a flexible, durable, quality waterproof barrier fabric, known as PUL, as an inner lining. The PUL used is environmentally safe is flexible, durable fabric is as PUL, this quality waterproof barrier fabric is made with a process that uses no toxic solvents, and it is environmentally safe.

waterproof dog blanket with ties

I like the fact that with an incontinent dog that if overnight Gidget has an accident, the urine soaks into the PUL lining, leaving her drier until morning. I’ve washed the blanket a few times now and I must say, it washes up really nice and has retained it’s softness and shape.

This particular blanket shown above comes with ties on the corners, so if you have a burrower, like doxie’s are prone to be, you can secure it in each corner of a wire crate.

Also from Catherine’s description about her blankets serving the needs of paralyzed dogs:

We have also learned from the paralyzed dog community and those who have dogs with incontinence issues, how this product is beneficial. It is great to be able to put the blanket where it will be helpful, then stick it in the wash with fewer issues of wetness soaking through to the floor, crate, furniture or other place on which it is set.

If you plan to use the blanket on the floor or furniture and have a dog who loves to burrow, I would suggest getting two. Gidget immediately burrowed under hers when I placed it on the floor for her to check out.

waterproof dog blanket

I now keep it in her mesh crate she sleeps in overnight. I just place it over her bed inside the crate and she leaves it in place because I have another blanket to cover her.  If you know dachshunds- they can never have enough blankie’s!

Thank you to Catherine for allowing us to give the blanket a try and share with our readers. Miss Gidget and I approve with a thumbs up and a tail wag!

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You’ve Just Got to Meet Chelsea!


Chelsea is only two years old. This is the first time since being born that she is standing upright.

While her mom was pregnant with her she had parvovirus which caused Chelsea to be born with Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH)- a condition in which parts of the cerebellum have not completely developed. The cerebellum makes up a large part of the brain, lying under the cerebrum and toward the back, above and behind the brainstem.)

Because of CH she is not able to stand upright to get around. But now she can because of being granted a wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

Andrea, her angel here on earth, adopted her about a month ago from the humane society, where Andrea is a volunteer. Chelsea was found with over 60 other dogs and likely inbreeding of many of the dogs with Chelsea having had several litters of pups herself already.

Andrea told me that every day she is practicing with Chelsea to help her to learn to roll in her wheels. She said that she can tell that Chelsea is so curious and happy to be up and exploring.

It will take time as Chelsea has to build up her muscles which never had a chance to do so before this.  But now she has someone in her life who is relishing in caring for her and helping her be the best dog she can possibly be.

Chelsea is  taking little steps at a time and Andrea said she seems to be enjoying all the new smells that come from being able to explore higher up.

I don’t know about you, but I really do think Chelsea is smiling and thanking her lucky stars for finding her way to Andrea!

chelsea 2

Chelsea’s wheelchair custom made by Eddie’s Wheels.

Stay tuned to meet BlueBell, the dachshund, who is the 42nd recipient of a wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund!

If you’d like to help more dogs like Chelsea with the gift of mobility please consider a donation via the website or our ongoing Go Fund Me campaign. I continue to be so grateful for the help so that more dogs can live full, long, quality, happy lives. Thank you! Thank you!

Meet Nora! 39th Paralyzed Dog Granted Wheelchair thru Frankie Wheelchair Fund


It’s hard to believe I’m sharing that this is the 39th dog The Frankie Wheelchair Fund has granted a wheelchair to.  But how excited I am to share Nora!

She has IVDD and is permanently paralyzed, but has happily adjusted to her wheelchair. She is now free to run and play and do most dog things like she did before. Now that is cause for celebration, don’t you think?

To think about Nora and so many dogs who now have wheelchairs, going for walks and enjoying life to the fullest, well, that just makes my heart soar with joy!

Nora’s wheels custom-made by Eddie’s Wheels.

As always, I welcome donations to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund which helps me to help disabled dogs from low-to-no income families or in rescue who are in need of a wheelchair. I can’t do it without the generosity of others and I’m grateful for every $1 others are willing to donate.

The average cost of a wheelchair is about $380 and go as high as $1,500. It all depends on the need of the dog.

You can donate in one of two ways. Either by clicking the photo on left which will take you to our site where you can donate via paypal or credit card. Or by clicking on the GofundMe photo. Or please help me spread the word!

frankie wheelchair fund logo


To learn more please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day (for the Frankie Wheelchair Fund).

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