paralyzed dogs

A poem: Precious Paralyzed Pooch


You are not broken.

You simply now have wheels to help you run.

Pity is not a word to describe you,

but happy and full of life is what you are,

if we are open to looking past what others may see

as disabled or “poor you.”

The world at your feet, and wheels that propel you,

moving you forward

to chase squirrels and butterflies,

smelling every blade of grass and flower along the way,

barking for us to come play.

To come see the world through your eyes

a world still full of wonder

no matter how you move through it,

Wheels, or legs, that carry you.

You challenge us see more clearly with our eyes

feel deeper with our hearts,

and open our souls wider to

what is real.

The spirit of you still the same

shining bright as ever

and beaming into our hearts

to move us closer to the rich understanding

of what compassion and unconditional love is all about.

This is you, precious paralyzed pooch,

who has opened a window to our soul

to an enlightenment of accepting who we are

and to what we can yet become.

inspired by the memory of Frankie and Joie.

cute joie 2 bwJoie

Fairy Francine has a New Friend. Come Meet Her.

Fairy Francesca

Meet my new fairy friend who flew in via UPS straight to my house last Friday.

She was chosen for a very special mission by Facebook friend, Charlene, who also happens to have an adorable little doxie named Dusty, who has IVDD and is in a wheelchair.

Charlene had read about the mishaps little Fairy Francine, resident of my writing cottage, had had a few months earlier with drinking wine after doing her nightly fairy duties. Once falling into the water fountain and another time falling off the ledge causing quite the concussion on her wee little head which had to err, well…. um…. be glued back on.

Seems Francine was a bit stressed with her Fairy duties and was nipping a bit too much wine.

Charlene felt Francine needed a friend to keep her company… and yes, to share in that glass of wine, so she sent this lovely Fairy to do just that. She said it is a thank you also for all the paralyzed dogs I’ve helped get a wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund I founded in 2012. And as you know, I couldn’t do it all by myself if not for the very generous donations I receive.

While no gifts are necessary for thanks for this mission I do out of love, I accepted her delightful gift graciously. It really did warm my heart when I opened the box to find this sweet and lovely Fairy inside. It brought tears to my eyes the sweetness and generosity of others, such as Charlene.

So I began to give thought to what her name should be. I knew it had to be very special. I thought and thought… and then it came to me! Of course, it needs to be Francesca!  Named after my doxie Frankie (short for Francesca), who was also in a wheelchair and the fund in her name in her memory and legacy — The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

So Francesca and Francine are getting to know one another and I suspect one of these days I will come out to my writing cottage to find an empty bottle of wine and two Fairies snoring loudly after another night of doing their fairy duties. But at least they will now have each other.

Because Special Needs Pets Matter

Last Friday, I had the wonderful honor of presenting a talk via Skype for Lovey Loaves Sanctuary (they rescue special needs dogs) for their annual fundraiser.

Because I received great feedback, I decided to record it and share it with you today. I hope you enjoy!