paralyzed dogs

Honoring all Dogs in Wheelchairs – National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day – 3rd Annual Celebration – September 22

Special note:  The special auction we have going on to benefit The Frankie Wheelchair Fund runs through 4:00pm cst TODAY. If interested in bidding on this adorable artwork donated by artist, Brianna Brunsell, please visit our Facebook page to place your bid. I’ve added to the auction item a copy of each of my books too!

Dachshund framed print by Brianna

Check out this collage of some of the dogs we’ve been able to help with a wheelchair because of the generous help from others!

2014 collage

Joy in My Inbox.

20140905_135130I received the following email today that really touched me.

Dear Barbara,

I happened across your website about a week ago. I watched Frankie’s video & cried. Back in 2006, we (my roommate & I) went to Eddie’s Wheels for a cart for our tweenie doxie, Sassy. They are wonderful people. Our doxie passed away in 2007. Just recently I came across her cart. Actually, I always knew where it was, I just didn’t want to face it and her loss. Your website has given us the push to re-donate the cart back to them. We are driving there next week. (We live in Massachusetts). I already spoke to them and really examined the cart for any issues. It is in excellent condition. While I have other wieners at home, none of them are her size. Thank you, Barbara for the extra “push.” -Donna

I completely understand how hard it is to let go of something that was so much a part of their beloved doxie’s life — it becomes so much a part of them.

While for a few weeks after Frankie’s paralysis I couldn’t imagine her living the rest of her life in a wheelchair, it became just who she was. I didn’t see the wheels. I just saw a dog who was happy and living life to the fullest.

What a beautiful gift to give back as Donna will be doing in donating her doxie’s wheelchair back to Eddie’s Wheels to help someone else who may not be able to afford a wheelchair for their dog. I’m honored to be a part of the journey.

I still have Frankie’s wheelchair, which was adjusted to then fit Joie. But now it does sit empty in our spare room. For me, it will stay. I don’t know if Gidget may need it someday, so I hold onto it. But I know there will come a day when I will do the same as Donna is going to do. I will give it with joy knowing it will help another.

Cost of a Dog Wheelchair (dog cart)? Quality of Life: Priceless.

AHLF-Gs-004-800x600Photo courtesy of Eddie’s Wheels website

When Frankie needed a wheelchair back in 2006 I had no idea they even made wheelchairs for dogs. I learned about them as Frankie was heading into surgery for a ruptured disk. The surgeon assured me at the time if the surgery wasn’t a success, Frankie could go on to live a quality life in a wheelchair.

I also had no idea how much they cost, but put it out of my mind because I wanted so badly for her to walk on her own again. I don’t think many people would know the cost either unless they are facing the possibility of having to get one for their beloved pet.

At the time, after surgery and a specialist I took Frankie to, another $480 for a custom-fit wheelchair seemed like a big chunk of money. But you know what? It was the best money I’ve ever spent!

Wheelchairs for dogs range anywhere from $325 – $650 according to the price chart on Eddie’s Wheels website. It all depends on the size of the dog and their specific needs. These are wheelchairs for dogs that have use of either their front or hind limbs and the wheels are adjusted to accommodate. So if your dog has paralyzed or weak back legs, the wheels will be on the back end and they pull with the front. If your dogs front limbs are missing, which is sometimes seen, the wheels are on the front with a saddle the dogs chest rests in, and they push off with their back limbs.

There is also the quad cart which ranges anywhere from $800 – $1,200.  Then there is also the additional equipment and choices which can add cost to a wheelchair.

I truly believe in the custom-fitted wheelchairs. With Frankie having IVDD, it was imperative that her spine stay aligned. Another wonderful thing about many of the wheelchairs is that they can act as physical therapy for dogs with walking challenges.  Some dogs have actually learned to walk on their own again after using a wheelchair for several weeks and/or months.

When Frankie passed away in June of 2012 I knew I wanted to find a way to carry on her legacy. We had worked so hard bringing a positive face to dogs in wheelchairs, I wanted to continue our work in her name in some way.

After she passed away I was deeply touched at the donation of money in memorial’s that came in for Frankie allowing me to start The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and help six small dog’s get a wheelchair who may have never otherwise been able to have one. I’ve helped families that are financially strapped or dogs in rescue hoping that they will stand a better change of adoption if they come with their own wheelchair.

It has grown from there and to date, the fund has helped 30 dogs get wheelchairs! Some we helped with a partial cost of the wheelchairs or shipping, but many we funded the full amount.  We are on track to help at least 4-5 more dogs with money currently in the fund. I never, ever get tired of seeing a dog who was down, get their wheels, and take off running and playing, happy to have their freedom back again.

Each time the Frankie Wheelchair Fund gets to help another dog, I feel Frankie’s spirit fill my whole body and heart with this warm glow of love.  I know she is proud. And I’ll always be so proud of the purpose she came here to fulfill and that she chose me to be her partner.

Currently I am doing a fundraiser in anticipation of National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day celebration on Sept. 22. This day is in memory of Frankie and in honor of all dogs in wheelchairs around the world.  If you’d like to help with a purchase of a t-shirt or car decal, a portion of the proceeds goes to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund to enable us to help even more dogs in need.

Quality of life for dogs who were once paralyzed and then get wheels is truly priceless.  Joie, my second paralyzed dog I adopted, was living proof of that. Check out this video that always makes me smile when I watch it.