paralyzed dogs

Can Paralyzed Dogs Live Quality Lives, Con’t.

Talking about my experience of running into an acquaintance that didn’t understand dogs can have a quality of life if paralyzed sure had many of you wrapping your arms around me with a big virtual hug.  Thank you for that.

One thing I’m grateful for is my blog and that I can share my feelings through my writing when things like this occur. I also am thankful for the community I’ve been able to build through this blog, as well as Facebook, and my books, as well as, the sharing of Frankie’s, and now Joie’s life.

My writing helps me to work through things. I’m not always good face to face saying how I feel, but give me a keyboard and I can share how I feel with the emotions coming faster than my fingers can keep up at times.

Some of you expressed to me in so many words and thoughts to not give into what that person said and to keep on believing what I believe and doing what I do. I can assure you that I am, and will continue to. While I was personally wounded by the statements made from this person who does not understand the blessings of a paralyzed dog, I think I was more upset with myself for not standing taller in my conviction when speaking with her.

I want to be better at not having my defense emotion kick in and approach it more with grace and integrity. While I feel like I somewhat did that, I also realize that some people’s minds you will never change. Because I am an empath and very sensitive to things like this, it feels sad for me that others may never see this. So I think that does not help in my dealing with it at times. But I also realize what a gift it is to be the sensitive person that I am. It  is why I am passionate about dogs in wheelchairs and dogs with IVDD… and really, all animals. I would not be who I am today without being open to the lessons they have taught me.

Reader of my blog, and friend, Kathleen said, “My first thought after reading about this encounter is that, as hurtful as it understandably was, this woman actually gave you a gift. She helped you reaffirm your own truth and stand firm in your convictions. She passed a quick judgement not even knowing Joie. It really says more about her than you.”

Kathleen is right and this is the conclusion I came to as I moved through the day yesterday after writing my blog post. I’m often telling others that when someone says something that feels hurtful,  it’s really about that person’s own fears/issues, not yours. And here I was caught up in that same thing and didn’t see it at first. But I do now.  I have no doubt that these situations are gifts to help us to continue to be who we are.

I also believe each encounter like this only makes me stronger and for that I am grateful.  I can’t help but also feeling that I am being prepared as my new book is released early next year.  While I’m excited to expand on my community and reach even further and wider , I understand not everyone is going to agree with my thoughts in my book. And that is okay.  My encounter with this latest acquaintance is just another lesson sent to me to help me as I continue to move forward.

And guess what?  Paralyzed dogs DO live quality lives… just ask me… I know. And I’ll continue to do my best to bring a positive light to these beautiful beings.

It Wasn’t My Choice to Be a Mom or To Have a Paralyzed Dog

For many, many years I couldn’t understand why I never had the instinct to want to have children of my own. I carried a shame in my heart around that for a very long time. It wasn’t until I was in my early 40s and Frankie became paralyzed that I realized God had other plans for me.

Frankie becoming paralyzed wasn’t my choice either. It was hard to imagine how my life would change when the prognosis came when she was six years old that she would likely never walk again. Caring for her would be somewhat like caring for an infant child. It seemed cruel and unfair to me that I was being handed this challenge.

It wasn’t my choice to be a Mom or to have a paralyzed dog, but reflecting back on that today I have absolutely no doubt this was how my life was to play out. As hard as it was to imagine how I would take care of Frankie after her paralysis, it was harder yet to imagine what blessings would come of it.

It wasn’t my choice to be a Mom or have a paralyzed dog, but it was my choice to look for the blessing in the challenge that lay ahead with Frankie in a wheelchair. It was my choice to follow my heart and write Frankie’s story and share her with young children. That choice led me to realizing God’s bigger plan for me which was being a mentor to thousands of children.  Though I’ll never remember all their names, I’ll forever carry all of them in my heart. A part of each child I have met along the way because of Frankie will always be with me.

So on this Mother’s Day I no longer carry a shame in my heart, but give thanks for the Mom’s who were meant to be, and for the unfolding of my life as it was meant to be.