“Because their spirits are not broken”
Don’t you just love that? This is the saying on Pets with Disabilities website and I think it speaks volumes.
Each quarter Frankie and I choose a disabled animal charity to donate a portion of our book sales to. This quarter we chose Pets with Disabilities for all the extraordinary work they do to help those animals that may not have been helped due to a disability. Below is a bit about them taken from their website… and I encourage you to check out their website… and consider an animal with special needs next time you are looking to bring a furry new friend into your life. I promise they will bring you more blessings than you could have ever imagined for yourself.
Pets with Disabilities Founders Joyce Darrell & Michael Dickerson

Joyce Darrell, along with her husband Michael Dickerson, founded the Pets with Disabilities organization in 2000. Their lives were changed forever after their rescue dog Duke broke his back playing as a puppy.
Having nowhere to turn for help in caring for him, they started the organization Pets with Disabilities – a rescue and resource that provides information and support to families caring for pets with disabilities. The story of Duke (and later Misty, another wheelchair-bound dog) has helped raise awareness about disabled pets and has reached thousands of people worldwide. The grassroots organization and Web site, www.PetswithDisabilities.org provides support and information to animal caretakers whose pets suffer from birth defects or have become disabled due to illness or injury.
Mike and Joyce travel all over the country with Duke and several other dogs, promoting their mission: “Provide a positive voice for dogs and cats with disabilities that desperately need homes”
Powerful spokes-dogs Duke and Misty have been featured on NBC’s Today show, as well as in Prevention and Dog Fancy magazines. They are always the center of attention at every pet exposition they attend!