
Dieting with Your Dog- Interview with Author Peggy Frezon


Today I have the honor of hosting popular pet columnist, Peggy Frezon, and author of her new book, Dieting with My Dog, One Full Life, Two Figures…and Unconditional Love.

I asked Peggy five different questions about her book and dieting with her dog and here is what she had to say:

1.  What was your favorite thing about dieting with your dog, Kelly?

Spending more time together. We used to pretty much laze around the house, me working at the computer and Kelly sleeping at my feet. Now I make it a priority to get out and get some exercise, take a walk together. It helps to know I’m doing something healthy for both of us. And it’s fun.

2.  What was your least favorite thing about dieting with your dog?

Sometimes she pesters me for food. She seems to get hungry late every evening. She’s quite persistant at nudging me, jumping up on the chair besie me, and even barking until I get her something to eat. Fortunately, ususally baby carrots will do the trick, and they’re good for her.

3.  What, if anything, did your dog teach you about dieting?

Kelly taught me that dieting is easier if you do it with a friend!

4.  Do you think dieting with your dog made it easier for you to stay on track?

Definetely. I’ve gone on diets before, and always gain the weight back. Kelly depends on me to keep her healthy… and to keep myself healthy too, so that we can keep sharing good times together. She even nudges me to get up and go out for walks when I’ve been working at the computer too long.

5.  What would you recommend to other dog owners who want to lose weight? What is the best way to start?

If you aren’t sure if your dog is overweight or not, have your dog evaluated by your veterinarian. Sometimes it’s difficult to see it on your own dog. Kelly is really furry, and I didn’t really think she weighed too much at first. If your dog needs to lose weight, the most important thing I learned is to measure her good. I was giving Kelly “one scoop” twice a day, but that scoop contained four times more food than she needed. Also, be sure you are giving your dog the highest quality nutrition you can afford. If you aren’t sure, your veterinarian can guide you. And finally, get active together. You can walk, run, jog, swim, fetch and play, according to your dog’s needs and stamina. It’s great for both of you!


Follow along on Peggy’s Weight Loss with a Wag Blog Tour to learn more about her new book!


Purchase Peggy’s book on Amazon, or Barnes and Noble


Introducing “For the Love of Animals: A Collection of Short Stories, Series One


This is the first in a new series that I have written for all animal lovers!


My life transitioned when my chocolate Labrador, Cassie, was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer in late 2004.
Watching Cassie live each day with the same joy she always had, even with cancer, made me yearn for more joy in my own life. Because of Cassie, I took a three-month hiatus from my small business, to work with a life coach, and think about what I truly wanted for myself. What would bring me more happiness? I wondered.
From that sabbatical, I discovered how deeply I truly love animals. I decided to become a writer so I could share my love of animals with others, the many lessons I believe they teach us, and all the joy they bring to our lives.
I like to think of my journey since then, as “Joyful Paws.” You see, I paused (paws) long enough in my life to really give thought to what makes me most joyful. In turn, that has helped me to live with more purpose. And I happened to learn all of this because of a dog.

Short Stories in Series One

The Silly Names We Call Our Pets
Puppy Antics
The Dance Of A Dog’s Dream

Available on Kindle through Amazon or as a PDF at Joyful Paws website that you can download to your computer.

For updates when a new series is released sign up for my newsletter or subscribe via RSS feed or email subsription to my blog, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

To Grieve an Animal is Part of Loving Them…

The title of this post was spoken by Marilyn Brooks of Battenkill Bookstore as she talked about her thoughts about Jon Katz’ new book coming out in September, Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die.

It’s so true- to grieve when an animal dies is part of loving them. If we didn’t grieve for them, could we have loved them?  We can’t have one without the other- no matter how hard and painful that grief is.

I’ve had so many people this summer ask me how I will go on without Frankie. I guess now that she has turned 12 recently they see that as limited time together. While this is true, I try not to worry about the “someday.” I had a period last year where I got so caught up in the worrying of “someday” that I was not enjoying each day with her- there came a point where I was completely exhuasted living that way- I don’t want to do that.


When I am asked how I will go on without her, I’m not always sure what to say. Most of the time I tell people that yes, it will be very, very hard. Sometimes I tell them I try to focus on the here and now and enjoy each precious moment with her. I know it will be painful and all I will be able to do is just “go through it.” There is no way around it, but through. But most of all I hope in my grief when the day comes, I can find peace and comfort in all the joy and inspiration she brought to this world.

Marilyn Brooker’s Video Review of Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die