To Grieve an Animal is Part of Loving Them…

The title of this post was spoken by Marilyn Brooks of Battenkill Bookstore as she talked about her thoughts about Jon Katz’ new book coming out in September, Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die.

It’s so true- to grieve when an animal dies is part of loving them. If we didn’t grieve for them, could we have loved them?  We can’t have one without the other- no matter how hard and painful that grief is.

I’ve had so many people this summer ask me how I will go on without Frankie. I guess now that she has turned 12 recently they see that as limited time together. While this is true, I try not to worry about the “someday.” I had a period last year where I got so caught up in the worrying of “someday” that I was not enjoying each day with her- there came a point where I was completely exhuasted living that way- I don’t want to do that.


When I am asked how I will go on without her, I’m not always sure what to say. Most of the time I tell people that yes, it will be very, very hard. Sometimes I tell them I try to focus on the here and now and enjoy each precious moment with her. I know it will be painful and all I will be able to do is just “go through it.” There is no way around it, but through. But most of all I hope in my grief when the day comes, I can find peace and comfort in all the joy and inspiration she brought to this world.

Marilyn Brooker’s Video Review of Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die