
Today I Met a Sister I Never Knew I Had!

lisa barb collageOk, so Lisa Smith-Putnam, Host & Executive Producer of Your Pets, My Dogs  radio show,and I, aren’t really sisters. But we had this wonderful connection and we both agreed that we thought we looked somewhat alike in our photos, though obviously our skin color is a wee bit different.

We had a good chuckle over this on one of the breaks and I felt like I was talking with a very good friend.  I’ve done quite a few radio interviews, but I just have to say this was one of my favorite to date!

Many interviews I’ve done, have of course, been around Frankie, but such a lovely change of pace when Lisa’s first question to me was, “So who is Barbara Techel?”

I smiled and thought about how years ago I would have been terrified of this question. But I’m finally at a point in my life that I like living in my own skin. I can’t share what I all said and give it away, so you’ll just have to listen to the show when it airs. I’ll be sure to let you know when it does.

I truly enjoyed the angle of which Lisa took with talking with me about Frankie and my book, “Through Frankie’s Eyes” and what I’ve learned from her. It is because of Frankie, that I am who I am today.

Though I didn’t get to say this on air, this thought ran through my mind. I gave Frankie a quality life by caring for her with her IVDD diagnoses and providing her a wheelchair, and she in turn, gave me a quality of life with all the she taught me on how to be proud of who I am and to speak my truth.

When Frankie first became paralyzed I had a pity party for myself for a few weeks until I realized it was up to me to change my attitude about our situation. From that change in attitude, I grew in ways I could have never imagined. My life grew spiritually and I evolved with a deeper connection not only to my pets, but to myself.

While I’ve known this now for quite some time, my radio interview with Lisa really brought it all home for me once again. It also reminds me that there are no accidents. I was meant to have this interview with Lisa… and though we may not really be sisters in the definition we tend to use, I felt this  connection with her because of our love for life and our love for animals. It was a wonderful way to end the week!