puppy mills

Special Needs Pet Feature: Rainbow Diamond

There are so many caring pet parents out there who take care of special needs pets. To bring more attention to these joyful animals, and extraordinary people, this is a new feature to my blog. If you care for a special needs pet and would like your pet featured, please email me through my website contact.  Send a photo and I will forward the questionnaire for your pet to be featured in an upcoming post.

What is your pets name?  

Rainbow Diamond.

How old is your pet?  

We think she is between 3-5 years old.

Where did you get your pet?

Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas. She was rescued in a puppymill raid. We were her foster parents. Now, she is a permanent member of our family.

What is your pets physical challenge?

Rainbow came into Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas with 27 fractures in her back and a disintegrating spine. She was paralyzed. Miraculously, her fractures healed and her bones regenerated. She can walk now, and is starting to be able to move her tail.

What is your pets favorite thing to do?

She loves to run around in the back yard! She is super fast! She also enjoys yelling at the local wildlife and neighbors.

What is your pets favorite thing to eat?

Roast chicken!!! We even have a special recipe called Yummy in Rainbow’s Tummy Roast Chicken! It is in the notes on RBD’s FB page if you want it.

What do you love most about your pet?

I love it that Rainbow is very goofy. She makes me laugh every day.

What has your pet most taught you?

Believe in miracles because they happen all the time. No one thought Rainbow would live, no one thought she would ever walk or be pain free. Now she is alive, walking, and pain free. Never give up hope!

Anything else you’d like to share? 

Rainbow is on the Bissell Spot Bot Box. She also has a fun and family friendly live webchat on Thursday nights at 7pm at http://www.momtv.com/rainbows-rescue-romp

Thank you, Rainbow for stopping by and sharing your story!  You are an inspiration and all your hard work, along with your parents, and all they do to help pets is so admirable.