
I’m Dreaming of a White…Vamper

I'm Dreaming of a White...Vamper

Don’t let that beautiful, blue sky fool you…. cause baby, it’s cooooold outside!

Windchills are in the minus digits today, also known as frigid, as John and I drove to the body shop to pick up our precious cargo. The van we have been working on converting it into a camper, which we have dubbed The Vamper – Second Chance.

She has a brand new, sparkling look with a fresh coat of white paint. Which as you can see she matches the fresh new white snow we received over the weekend too.

When the owner of the shop called John to let him know the van was done he said, “Just calling to let you know that your awesome van is done!”

Seems most people we share this new adventure with, think it’s quite cool what we are doing. Though there are a few that look at us like we are nuts. But that’s okay – we love being nuts!

As I waited in the car while John brushed off the new fallen white powder on the van I thought back to our trip this fall to Tennessee and the two nights we camped in Second Chance – though she is not yet complete.

And instead of dreaming of a white Christmas, which we will definitely have, I found myself dreaming about next summer and fall when we will venture out as often as we can, to experience life in the vamper, creating new memories.

After the holidays we will begin the next phase of the van conversion with seats installed that will swivel, custom made beds, a kitchen, and storage cabinets.

We will also be on the look out for a room to extend off the side of the van that can be used as an outdoor kitchen and an extra area to hang out. We aren’t having much luck finding something made in the US – what we like we’ve only seen available in the UK. If anyone knows of a resource for rooms such as this, we’d love to know.

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Northeast Tennessee – Photo Gallery – So much Beauty!

Watauga River, TN
Watauga River, TN

While I did share many photos on my Facebook page of our vacation, I know not everyone is on Facebook. So here is a photo gallery of highlights of our vacation to Northeast, TN. We were in the tri-cities of Johnson City, Jonesborough and Elizabethton. We also visited the art district of Asheville, North Carolina one day, which we had been to before, but wanted to go back to again as we loved it the first time.  It was lovely once again! This whole vacation was full of so much beauty all around us!

On the way to TN and one the way home, we stayed one night in our Vamper – Second Chance, as I’d been writing about we were going to do. While the Vamper (a van we are converting to a camper for those that don’t know) isn’t quite done, we were comfortable and slept well. And it was a great way to give it a test run to see how we want to finish it out and organize it, which is our project for over the winter.

And a huge bonus to our vacation was that both Kylie and Gidget did so well. I was a bit apprehensive how it would go, but so pleased they did so well. And as many of my friends have pointed out to me… well, they were with you and John which is what made them feel home.  Yup, I suppose that is true. 

So I hope you enjoy my gallery of photos. I’d highly recommend Watagua River Cabins and this area of Tennessee for those looking for somewhere to visit. Lots to do, and again, so much beauty surrounded us. I could see living in this part of Tennessee part-time should that work out for us in our retirement years.



View out the back of of our cabin - Watauga River running behind cabin.
View out the back of our cabin – Watauga River running behind cabin.
Feeding the giraffes at Brights Zoo – a conservation zoo for endangered species.
Back of our cabin which house three separate cabins
Rose bush blooming out kitchen window of cabin
Rose bush blooming out kitchen window of cabin
View from the front of our cabin
View from the front of our cabin
Watagua River that ran behind cabins
Watagua River that ran behind cabins
View out living room cabin window
View out living room cabin window
Altar I built in our van during the week of our vacation. It's now in my writing cottage!
Altar I built in our van during the week of our vacation. It’s now in my writing cottage!
I loved this tree near our cabin
I loved this tree near our cabin
Another cabin at Watagua River Cabin - Johnson City, TN
Another cabin at Watagua River Cabin – Johnson City, TN
Wilbur Dam on Watagua River
At River Art District - Asheville, NC
At River Art District – Asheville, NC
John enjoying a microbrew and watching a train go by in River Art District - Asheville, NC
John enjoying a microbrew and watching a train go by in River Art District – Asheville, NC
Part of Watauga River
Watagua River higher into the mountains - or as the sign said: "Bear Country"
Watagua River higher into the mountains – or as the sign said: “Bear Country”
One last photo before we left our cabin
One last photo before we left our cabin

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On Leaving. On Staying.

On Leaving. On Staying.

The other night I was gone for awhile so John was in charge of looking after Kylie and Gidget – not that they need much looking after. When I walked through the front door a few hours later this is the sweet scene I was met with. John said they snuggled like this the whole time I was gone, which of course melted my heart.

As we get ready to head out Wednesday morning to Tennessee for a long overdue vacation in our van we’ve converted to a camper (well, phase one is done!) I’m glad that Kylie and Gidget can make the trip with us. While it has caused some extra effort getting everything packed for them (meds, food, leashes, blankets, beds, kennels, etc.) and then adjusting as we make the trip, I’m sure, it reminds me to be patient, and go with the flow.

While I love going on vacation, I am a homebody also. It is effort to go on vacation, let’s face it, but I know we will have a good time, and I really am excited about this trip. But then yesterday afternoon I had the urge to re-arrange our living room, which I wasn’t planning on doing until we returned.

After it was arranged in what I call our “winter” look with the sofa and over-sized chair centered around our wood stove, I sat down and a delicious warm, cozy feeling overcame me. It felt like my little house was wrapping its loving arms around me, whispering in my ear, “don’t go.”

And I was torn about leaving and staying. But alas, I can’t be in two places at once. And this is the beauty of leaving…coming home again and appreciating even more what home means to me. But also in leaving and seeing what is happening out in the world that inspires me and refills my creative well.

I won’t be blogging while we are gone but will likely post some photos on my Facebook and Instagram pages if you’d like to check it out.

As for me, back to my list and last minute preparations while John finishes up making a make shift bed for us and getting everything in order so come tomorrow we can begin (creatively) packing the van, making the beds, and taking care of any last minute details. 

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