sacred journey

Sacred Journey Medicine Cards – Oracle Deck Review – You Never Know When a Deck Will Speak to You

Today I’m sharing a review of a deck of oracle cards, or as the creator of the deck, Mel Hofmann calls them, medicine cards.

I’ve known about this deck for quite some time. It was recently when Mel shared videos and photos of a mama hummingbird and her two newborns and their journey, that I looked further into her cards. I’m glad I ordered Mel’s deck. They are abstract, but concrete, and layered which provides different dimensions of perspective. They are a mixture of Mel’s photography and mixed media giving each card many layers of insight, which can evolve and change as you work with the deck.

I have quite a few favorite cards – many with interesting words paired with animals or images that really caught my attention and had me wanting to explore more.

So perhaps the cards I share may be just what you need to hear today or the deck will speak to you in some way too that you may want your own deck of Mel’s cards. They are small works of art – not small in the way of small – as in size – but with deep and meaningful messages that no doubt will provide a needed beneficial shift.

I hope you enjoy my review of Mel’s cards! Just click on the video below or here to watch.

To learn more about Mel’s deck visit her website here.

P.S. As I am writing this post, a tiny spider is crawling across the keys of my laptop. I’ll take that as a big nod from Spider that she definitely approves of this deck too!


