sacred wound

An Opened Heart Finds Peace and a Special Offering: A Love Letter to the Part of You in Pain

An Opened Heart Finds Peace and a Special Offering: A Love Letter to the Part of You in Pain

I’ve been reflecting on 2018 as this year begins to come to a close in less than two months.

While personally I started out the year going through intense emotional pain, and my coping skills that almost became nil, I’m happy to say I’m now in a space of deep gratitude for what I learned, and how far I’ve come.

Walking through this dark period, there were times I honestly wanted to run the other way. At my rock bottom point, the thought crossed my mind that I’d rather die than deal with the pain I was going through.

That startled me! But the blessing is that it was a wake-up call.

Step-by-step with support from many, I moved through this difficult time, and eventually came to experience an opening of my heart unlike anything I’ve felt before.

From this journey, I’ve created a special offering for others who are going through an emotionally challenging time also. It’s something I sat in many hours of contemplation and with careful thought I wrote:

A Love Letter to the Part of You in Pain. (if this resonates, you will find a link below to download a copy)

It’s my hope it will give others just that, hope. And to trust that there is freedom and peace to be had on the other side of emotional pain.

Recently I heard what is described as the “Sacred Wound,”coined by Jean Houston, Ph.D., author, scholar, philosopher and researcher in Human Capacities, and who began the human potential movement.

The idea of the Sacred Wound as Jean writes is, “Looking back on your own betrayals, you may notice how they’ve given you the necessary shove, the unwelcome but needed kick in the pants to invite you to get on with it, to release patterns and attachments that need to die. The key to redeeming our betrayals is forgiveness.”  

This is exactly what I faced earlier this year – forgiving where I felt betrayed in my past – and most challenging of all, was forgiving myself when I experienced unfamiliar and very uncomfortable feelings of resentment and anger toward my sweet and loving dog, Gidget. She was my reflection to finally see the part of me that was broken and was desperately calling to be healed.

This is something that has taken me years to understand because I often thought if I just read this or that book, or took this or that class, I’d be okay.

But it was dedicating myself to digging into my inner world and really looking at my own story, that I was able to see how that affected my insecurities and struggles. Being a gentle witness to this helped me to make a welcome shift. 

I’ll be sharing more about this journey in my new book I continue to work on, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am —and how Gidget lovingly and unconditionally walked beside me as my soulful guide.

Not only did I move through a metamorphosis, but I’ve been witness to the gift of a beautiful change and a new sense of peace within Gidget, too.

I’ve come to understand that my sacred wound was a spiritual lesson I needed to go through in order to embrace on an even deeper level not only empathy, compassion and love, but that I was never alone (even though I often felt that way).

For the first time in my 55-years on this planet, I felt the undeniable love of Spirit embrace me as I took the necessary steps forward in healing.

It was by reaching out for help from animal communicator Dawn Brunke, pet counselor and coach, Joe Dwyer, Depth Psychologist and Dream Analyst, Tayria Ward, Transformational Breathwork® practioner, Parnee Frederick, a session of Emotional Freedom Technique with a therapist, my monthly Women’s Mastermind Circle, and last but not least, my dear mom and husband, that I found the courage to do the inner work I needed to do.

Also the fact I was enrolled in Oracle School during this time, working with oracle cards as a tool for self-reflection I was able to gain perspectives about myself I’d not have considered.

It enabled me to see what I could change, while being compassionate with myself, which helped me move forward with more confidence. 

I continue to be committed to my personal growth so that I can move through my little corner of the world from a place of love and peace and be of service to others who also seek more inner peace through my oracle guidance sessions.

And so it is I present this offering, A Love Letter to the Part of You in Pain….because you matter and you are worthy just as you are.

Just click on graphic to be taken to link to sign up to receive a copy:

Please note the link to the love letter includes receiving my newsletter.

