
The Four Barbara’s.

IMG_2178Out of twenty two women, represented from nine states, that attended the SoulCollage® Facilitator training this past weekend, four of us were named Barbara. How about that?

As I often do when I meet a Barbara, I just have to know her middle name. With this many Barbara’s at the training, this came in handy.

From left to right we have:  Barbara Sill, Barbara Ann, Barbara Gail and Barbara Jane.

Sunday morning we all somehow migrated to the same spot at the kitchen table for breakfast, making up the corner of it, which made us all chuckle.

So I may be a bit bias, but there was something quite magical about having four Barbara’s at this event — or at the very least, it sure felt special to me. And each of us from a different state:  North Carolina, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Virginia.

Though I may never see these Barbara’s again, they have become a part of me and I feel honored to have met each of them. Barbara Soul Sisters Unite!

A Meditation: The Wolf and Me.

wolf and meOn Monday I had the opportunity to be taken through a guided meditation by the woman who was helping me through a recent challenge. It was our last session together as I’m feeling great to be on my way now with wonderful tools in place to return to if need be at some point.

But back to the guided meditation– I thought I’d step out of my comfort zone and share with you.

As I’ve mentioned lately, I’ve been opening myself more to being aware of what animal wisdom (besides my dogs) are trying to teach me. So it really should be no surprise what happened during the meditation, but yet, it has left me in awe.

During the guided meditation I found myself at the base of a mountain. When I looked around I saw a river and then saw a wolf nearby, howling with his snout pointed to the sky. At first I felt scared, but then was fascinated and quite curious that Wolf showed up.

The fear began to subside as he looked my way and we were looking into each others eyes.  I slowly walked closer  to a large rock that was next to Wolf. I sat down. After a few moments I reached out and stroked his fur. I wasn’t afraid. I was in complete awe of being in the presence of Wolf — an animal so many fear.

I was then asked to listen for a message from whatever Spirit was before me. I didn’t get anything at first. I told myself I was trying too hard — just be open — see what comes.

Wolf brought me a message that I’ve heard before when I’m working through something — this time I’m determined to take this in and honor it. But Wolf said, “You are worthy and loved. All will be okay.”

The next instruction was to stand behind Spirit, which was Wolf for me, and see through his eyes as Wolf/Spirit sees me. It came to me almost instantly as I saw myself as this huge red heart with a orange glow around it. Wow, I thought. Wolf/Spirit sees me as Love.

This brought tears to my eyes because how often we don’t see ourselves as Love — our mind beating ourselves up one thought after another. But the lesson that we are indeed a part of Spirit is one that we need to honor.

It was a powerful experience for me and I became quite emotional as I relayed it back after the meditation.

I drove home wanting to somehow capture what occurred so it would stay with me. And that’s when it came to me that I could create a SoulCollage card from my experience.

Not only was I so excited to create this card to honor Wolf and his teaching to me, but to honor myself… and quite tickled at how this is all unfolding just as I get ready to leave for the SoulCollage retreat this weekend.

The meditation and doing the SoulCollage is such a great reminder of the wisdom we have within us if we take the time to listen and pay attention.

The background photo of the mountain courtesy of my friend, Dawn who lives in Alaska. I love that it is part of my card too as Dawn has been an important part of my journey the past 2 1/2 years in very special ways.

Letting Go of What Was. Ready to Explore New Territory. Thank You, Frankie.

soulcollage card

Frankie crossed my mind this morning. She often does. I welcome it. I cherish it. I find much joy in it. I no longer mourn her being gone, but am grateful she was part of my life.

To mourn her forever would mean, to me, that I wouldn’t be honoring her life and all the blessings she brought me.

She has been on my mind also as I’ve been working through a personal challenge. I’m happy to say I feel so much better after four weeks of guidance that I sought to help me through this.

While I don’t want to share the specific challenge, I will share that I discovered something that was buried. I was surprised this came up as I didn’t realize it was even there, nor did it particularly feel connected to the challenge I was going through.

But what I’ve realized is that I never fully mourned the loss of the work I did with Frankie. While I moved through the grieving process of losing Frankie herself, the work we did together visiting schools and doing therapy dog work, is something I was still hanging onto.

In part, because I didn’t know what the next leg in my journey looked like. I’m still not quite sure “what is next,” but after journaling through an exercise called transitional grieving, I literally felt this shift of energy in myself.

I now find myself celebrating all that it was – all those glorious years of work with Frankie – instead of wishing it never ended.

Celebrating all that I learned from Frankie which has made me who I am today. Celebrating how I grew through challenges of fear, talking in front of crowds, learning to write a book, sharing my voice and how I feel about dogs in wheelchairs and dogs with disc disease, worrying less about what others think of me, and letting that inner light of who I am shine through.

So as I get ready to embark on a new learning adventure, I smile because of her.

Friday I leave for a weekend training in Madison, WI to learn more about SoulCollage. A technique that has captured my fascination the last few months.

A process of listening deeper to our wise selves and capturing those whispers on 5 x 8 cards that you create individual collages from using images from magazines. The card above is one I created yesterday.

If not for Frankie, I don’t know if I would have been brave enough to do this training. For one thing, I’m going alone. I don’t know one single soul that will be there. The woman I knew ten years ago would have never done this.

Frankie is a big reason why I’m stronger today than years ago. More willing to take steps out into the world then before.

But it is all part of my souls plan — I see this — I see it in my recent challenge that I feel I’ve made great progress on also.

Frankie was, and continues to be my guide, as I step forward into new territory to be explored.

I think back fondly to the first day she took off in her wheelchair after not walking for three months from a diagnoses of disc disease which left her paralyzed.

How she encouraged me to be who I am by her example. To follow what makes my heart happy. To live fully.

So I carry her with me in my heart as I head to the training this weekend. Her life lessons still with me, and I have no doubt will always be with me until eternity.