The Four Barbara’s.

IMG_2178Out of twenty two women, represented from nine states, that attended the SoulCollage® Facilitator training this past weekend, four of us were named Barbara. How about that?

As I often do when I meet a Barbara, I just have to know her middle name. With this many Barbara’s at the training, this came in handy.

From left to right we have:  Barbara Sill, Barbara Ann, Barbara Gail and Barbara Jane.

Sunday morning we all somehow migrated to the same spot at the kitchen table for breakfast, making up the corner of it, which made us all chuckle.

So I may be a bit bias, but there was something quite magical about having four Barbara’s at this event — or at the very least, it sure felt special to me. And each of us from a different state:  North Carolina, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Virginia.

Though I may never see these Barbara’s again, they have become a part of me and I feel honored to have met each of them. Barbara Soul Sisters Unite!