
Happy Spring. The Flower that Blooms in Adversity is…


The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. -Mulan

While looking for a quote about spring I came across this quote. And I couldn’t help but think about my dogs Frankie and Joie who had IVDD, and Gidget too, who has the same disease.

But despite not being able to use their hind legs as in the case of Frankie and Joie who used a wheelchair to get around, they were so beautiful to me.

And Gidget too – just like Frankie and Joie – I don’t see her disease – I see all her loveliness, silliness, and sweetness. The most beautiful flower that I am so glad I picked.

Happy spring everyone!

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In the Dead of Winter – A Promise.

In the dead of winter - a promise

I went down to the lower level of the house this morning to water my geranium I kept from the summer. My first attempt at wintering one which I was encouraged to do so by my friend, Miss Marie.

When I got to the bottom of the steps and saw the brilliant red blossom on the dormant plant, I just had to pause for a few moments and take in its beauty.

In the dead of winter among the decaying leaves, a few buds were secretly working their magic — finally bursting to the surface — as a reminder that the spring is on its way – a promise that is never broken – for it always comes. It always comes.

Update:  After I posted this, I thought more about this pretty bloom. The plant is in my Joyful Pause Studio where I held my first SoulCollage® workshop two weeks ago. It was a wonderful success! Now I’m thinking perhaps this is the blooms approval of my studio and my workshops — and all the good energy from the ladies who attended my first one. She couldn’t help but bloom!

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