
Message from Sparrow – Hang On.

Message from Sparrow - Hang on.

Oh spring, where have you gone?

Hey, little sparrow, do you know where spring is?

Spring is always in your heart dear one.

You must continue through your day as if….

As if it is here. It never left. This is what spring is.

A tease of what can be and what will be.

Live in the warm abundance of faith that spring is already here.

Continue to prepare for new things to come so you can wrap your arms around her with the deepest of gratefulness when she peeks in again.

Each day that unfolds brings us closer to all the glories she will bestow upon us if we are patient enough.

There is magic in waiting for that anticipation.

It is also called hope.

Spring loves hope. It is what spring is.

Magical hope that spring never fails to grace us with the sweet smells of fresh earth awakening, tender roots reaching for the sky, and a sun that takes delight in warming every living being.

Hang on, dear one. Don’t lose faith. Spring is already here.

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Is that You Spring? Come Sit a Spell.


The door to my writing cottage eagerly awaits spring and summer when it can be open for the delicious smells to waft inside, and the sounds of birds singing as the music for the day.

It has been unusually cold this spring. Plus we’ve had our share of snow covered ground quite a few mornings even though the calendar says it is April. The sun has also been hiding behind clouds that continue to invade our little village. But alas, today the sun peeked out for a good part of the day, though now it is cloudy.

What a spring (pun intended!) that brought to my step! I could hardly wait until noon to take the girls out for a walk. It was windy, but at least the wind was warm, so I didn’t mind. But it was so windy that at times, Joie had to stop and catch her breath rolling so hard against the gusts that threatened to roll her backwards. If sniffing the ground every two inches and marking your territory is a sign of spring, well then, Kylie had that down to a tee.

Oh, the glories of spring that came to my neck of the woods today for a few short hours. There is hope it will come to stay longer, though the rest of the week calls for cooler temps again, plus lots more rain, with the week ending with a chance of snow showers.

But even so, I finally felt like getting my spring wreath up from downstairs and placing it on my writing cottage door.


I also ordered a spring flag for the front of my house since my other flag had all but faded from so many hours of sun beating down on it.  I can hardly wait for my new flag to arrive.  What do you think?  This just all has to help spring come to Wisconsin, don’t you think?

spring flag

But I say thank you for the taste of spring today. A chance to go for a leisurely stroll with the dogs, who are now curled up and napping the afternoon away. Now don’t be shy spring, and please do come around again soon!

