
A Few of My Favorite Things Incorporated into Photography


I just started a photography e-course being taught my Tammy Stroebel of Rowdy Kittens blog (don’t you just love the name of her blog)?  We are only on day three of the lessons, which last for the next three weeks. But I am really enjoying the course so far.

For the first time I’m actually reading the manual to my powershot Canon digital camera. Not my favorite reading, but I am learning the different settings, which is refreshing to know. The one thing that attracted me to this course, besides Tammy being so down to earth (and living in a tiny house– and I mean tiny!  120 sq. ft.), as well as I love the photos she takes, is that we didn’t have to run out and buy an expensive camera. Tammy says we can get great photographs with a simple digital camera.  I’m all for simple and I’m all for not having to spend hundreds of dollars on an new camera.  Well, at least for now! Who knows, I may like this so much I might have to advance– but whoa, one step at a time!

The photo above of the bike, I got yesterday while out on a quick jaunt with my dogs. I love bikes– especially old ones or old looking ones! And every time I drive by this house in our neighborhood with this bike out front it makes me smile. Now, I must say it was quite challenging to snap photos with one dog rolling on wheels and one 90 lb. dog tugging the other way.  But somehow, I managed.

So today’s lesson has us taking out our photography journal and making a list of words that inspire us to spark our creativity for taking pictures.  Sort of a list of our favorite things.  I’ll bet you’ll never guess what is on the top of my list?  Really?  How did you guess?!!?  I’ll be adding to the list as I give it more thought throughout the day, but here’s a start to my list of favorite things:

1.  Dog

2. Dachshund

3. Tea

4. Bike

5. Donkey

6. Tree

7. Leaves

8. Flowers

9. Cottage

10.  anything periwinkle

11.  Books

As I look at the list these are things that bring me my joyful paws moments… some are paws but some are pause–moments that make me pause and enjoy all the things that define a simple, joyful life for me.  And this last photograph depicts cottage, anything periwinkle, and tea.  Oh, how I’d love to sit at this window and sip a cup of tea!  Would you like to join me?

tea time