The artist’s way

We Can’t Fix Each Other

Last night I started a 12-week course based on “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron.  This book is about ten years worth of classes Julia taught helping artists get past their blocks.  She wrote the book so other’s could facilitate the workshops in their area.  I’m thrilled this is taking place at a local arts center near me so I can take the course.  It promises to be challenging, yet hold promise for new paths of creativity to come through.

There are 13 women and one man in our class—I sure give that one man lots of credit!  And one of the gals is in high school and she really wants to be a writer.  I give her kudos also for doing her full schedule of school and adding this class at night.

Years ago I helped facilitate a women’s winter retreat with a friend.  I remember we shared with the group of women that we were not there to fix their problems, but rather to just listen.  This same concept was shared last night in our class. I love that. How often do we just want to be heard and not have our challenge fixed?  Chances are if we can either talk it out, or as encouraged in this course, write three morning pages, we can come to the conclusion that is best for us?

We all experience life differently, so what may work for one person and their challenge may not necessarily work for us.  Instead of holding it all in, we either need a caring and kind ear who will just listen, or we need to take paper to pen and let it all go. I think at times too we don’t voice our concerns or challenges because we don’t want anyone to “fix it” but we just want a safe place to voice it.

It’s a practice to not want to fix someone else’s problems, but one of the kindest gifts I think we can give is to listen or encourage the person struggling to write it down- get it all out.  And if they have fear of someone finding what they write- well then how about a private little ceremony of burning what you wrote and releasing it completely?  I’ve done this in the past with certain issues and am amazed at how much it has helped me.

It will be interesting to see what comes from this class for me.  Have you done “The Artist’s Way?” If so, I’d love to hear any thoughts you’d like to share about it.