What’s Up Dox Dachshund Shoppe

Meet Oscar: #24 Recipient of a Dog Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

oscar 1200Get your dancing shoes on! Join me in the happy walk ‘n roll dog dance celebrating Oscar, dog #24 who gets his wheels with help from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund!

Here’s the wonderful letter sent to me, as well as, Leslie at Eddie’s Wheels who I work with in providing these quality, custom made wheelchairs:

Hello Barbara & Leslie,

I just wanted to thank you so much for helping Oscar and I with the funds for his chair. I ended up raising $150.00 from bake sales and just people wanting to help out!! With the help of the Frankie fund to fund the rest we were able to purchase his cart! I received it yesterday from Eddie’s Wheels and it was built perfectly!! It couldn’t fit any better and he immediately took to it and loved it!! You all have such great hearts and Oscar and I are so thankful for all of your help. It’s heartwarming to know there are other people out there like me who will never give up on our fur babies.  From the bottom of my heart…thank you again.

Very truly yours,
Danielle & Oscar Neher

To learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and how you can apply or contribute please visit the website National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day. The cost of a wheelchair, depending on the size and needs of the dog runs anywhere from $350-$1,500.

To learn more about dog wheelchairs, please visit Eddie’s Wheels.

As a reminder, a portion of proceeds of the purchase of this very roomy and durable tote bag from our friends at Beangoods goes to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. Order yours here today!

Screen_shot_2014-02-17_at_3.16.20_PMAlso from now until June 28th during their pre-sale 10% of proceeds from the sale of this T-shirt will go to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund from our friends at What’s Up Dox Dachshund Shoppe. Order yours here today!
