This year marks twelve years since my husband, John, built me my special little sanctuary. A 10 x 12 space that sits off the southwest corner of our deck. Twelve steps from our bedroom patio door.
As I reflect on how this space came to be and what it means to me I will share a few photos of views looking out the different windows. This time of year is especially abundant and had me feeling so much joy that I wanted to share.
I started out calling it my writing cottage because this is where I began my writing endeavors. Twenty-four newspaper columns, two children’s books, three memoirs, and 2,701 (plus one including this one!) blog posts later it has morphed into so much more now. I guess you could say so have I.

Because I’ve evolved over the years and this space has welcomed me every day as I walked through the Victorian screen door and it’s supported me each step of the way, I now call it Joyful Pause Cottage.
The word pause is a play on words with how my writing endeavors began and my love of animals and naming my website Joyful Paws. The dogs I’ve shared my life with were the inspiration behind my beginning to write about them which morphed into sharing a love of all animals. Then seeing animals as oracles – mentors/teachers – just like nature also is. Always reflecting for us some aspect that provides teachings that guide us on our earthly journey. Animals and nature have taught me that pausing often and reflecting on what really matters is what continues to bring me peace.
It was important for me, though I didn’t realize the full scope of it at the time, that I have many windows with natural light for my cottage. I wanted to feel like I was outside even though I’d be indoors. I wanted to feel connected even though I was also yearning for more solitary time.

Little did I know a trend would occur a few years later with what was dubbed “She Sheds” — more women seeking a space of their own to retreat to, to create, and/or to just be. My little corner of the world seemed to have led the way and made it onto the websites of some of the national news outlets. I’d also be invited to do an interview via satellite with a morning show out of Australia and I was interviewed by a local news station.
Some thought it selfish that women would want a space of their own. “What’s a house for?” one person wrote and comments even more snarky than that. Though there were many positive comments, too. But I think back then how I’d be offended by the negative statements, but now, pfff, I don’t care. I know what having this space has done for me, and quite honestly, it has enriched my relationship with my animal friends, my husband, and most importantly myself. You see, we have to bust out of that conditioned pattern of thinking we don’t ‘deserve’ what our hearts yearn for.

All the attention has faded now, which is perfectly fine with me. This quiet corner of my world is what makes me thrive. Makes me happy to get up in the morning. What sometimes brings me to tears for how grateful I feel. Tears I have also shed and how Joyful Pause Cottage has held me when I mourned the loss of many dogs and a few friends. The joy I’ve experienced in this space also for how far I’ve come in so many ways.
This is also the space I’ve welcomed in via zoom interviews about my books and what animals have taught me, but it’s also where I do oracle card readings for others seeking guidance and for those struggling with challenges with their animal friends. I like to think of this space as a little respite and sort of like a safe cocoon for others who seek me out for some mentoring and support — even though most are done virtually I hope others can feel the love and empathy that not only comes from me but from this space that supports me in continuing my mission to be of service.
It’s also morphed into a space that encourages me to explore a different creative medium of mixed media. Eventually, I’ll share more of what this is all about and what I’ve been working on. I hope you’ll stay tuned.
Lastly, I leave you with a final view, though this isn’t from the inside out. I rarely take a photo of what I guess would be considered the front of my cottage. But it’s a reminder that sometimes we have to take the time to look at life from a different perspective. I just love how I caught the sun dancing on it this morning. I felt like a fairy standing along the grown-in gulley which was behind me as I snapped this picture. Sometimes life is just so dang magical I feel like I could fly!

Wishing you each a magical week!