
Joy Is: Being Inspired by Other Writer’s

When I hired life coach, Diane Krause-Stetson to help me figure out what I wanted for my life to bring me more joy, to which I discovered would be writing and animals, she gave me the gift of sharing a wonderful book with me. The book was Create Your Writer’s Life: A Guide to Writing With Joy and Ease, by Cynthia Morris.

Coaching with Diane, and this book, started my path to where I am today… and oh, what joy it has been! Well, ok, some bumps along the way, but that is what life is about, right?  But staying in tune with what makes me happy, as well as being inspired by others keeps me on the right track.  I’ve worked with Cynthia via different programs she has offered and each and every time I’ve been propelled to a new level in my writing, as well as how I see myself as a person.

Cynthia Morris is one of my biggest inspirations.  I look forward to her blog posts each and every week- especially her video posts. Her authenticity is so refreshing and I find myself sometimes wanting to be a Cynthia wanna-be!

If you are of the creative type, I invite you to discover Cynthia’s website and blog for yourself.  Being inspired by other writer’s sometimes gives me that extra push that I need when I find myself procrastinating.  Joy is being inspired by Cynthia and connecting with other creative people which always awakens my muse!

Writual: Writing the Sacred Kit

As much as I love writing, and writing about animals, I can be such an amazing procrastinator!  Recently I bought a product from one of my all time favorite writers and artists, Cynthia Morris, called the Writual Kit.  It contains:

Moleskin journal, magic pen, candles and candle holder, writual anointing oil and writual blessings.

So today I was trying to ground myself and complete a piece I am working on about an equine sanctuary I recently visited.  For me, I think I freeze in my tracks often because I want to do justice to the stories- and this one is especially dear to my heart because of a disabled horse.

I pulled out my writual kit and decided to give it a try.  I turned on some new age music through the internet and the magic of Pandora.  I then lit my candle, anointed my wrists and forehead as instructed.  I then picked my writual blessing which read, “Permission to write, granted.”  It brought tears to my eyes.

Wow, this must be working, I thought.  I write better by typing, so did not use the journal or pen, so opened up the document on my computer I had started… and away I went.  One hour later, it is complete.  Amazing!!

What techniques do you use to begin writing or creating?

Be Creative with Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

I had the honor of teaching a two-day program at our local library incorporating Frankie and the writing and illustration process.  Week one I had the kids write a story with a Frankie theme.  They could pair up or write a story on their own.  One team had Frankie going to the moon!  One had her going to Paris.  Wee wee!  She also went to the beach, as well as became a boxer.  Week two I had large “Flat Frankie’s” made for each of them.  They adhered their Flat Frankie to tag board and decorated to their hearts content.  I don’t know who had more fun… the kids decorating their Frankie’s or me watching them having all the fun.  It was a JOY to share Frankie with them!  Here is a group shot of week two’s class and their Flat Frankie’s.