The Art of Puttsing

The Art of Puttsing

Puttsing for me always seems to include the art of creating. And I absolutely love to putts. It kind of goes along with grazing – when one eats little bits here and there. I absolutely love to graze, too.

The art of puttsing, I think, is having a list of things to do around the house, and following impulses to follow what feels right in any given moment.

This morning I began my puttsing by putting another coat of paint on some decorative birdhouses I decided to re-do. They bugged me for the longest time because they were such dark colors. Well, no longer!

While the chalk paint dried, I put on my rubber boots and walked our wet lawn and gardens pulling weeds that grew with the rain we had yesterday, picked up branches that fell from our branch tree, fed the birds and put out a corn cob for Mr. squirrel.  Who by the way, informed me last week while trying to disguise himself as tree bark told me his name is Hank. Then on an impulse I decided to plant some Morning Glory seeds to wind up the pole of the lantern in front of our house.

And then I made a crust for spinach quiche for dinner tonight. Then back to puttsing with another coat of chalk paint on the birdhouses.

Then a flash of impulse to come write a blog post about the art of puttsing. It’s such a grand way to be….following the art of puttsing!

And now I’m off again with more puttsing to do as the knot came loose on the bird feeder, which has fallen to the ground….and I must get to it before Hank discovers it!

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