The Fairies Came to Dance (video) Plus Oracle and Animal Guidance For the Week

What is it that we need to see a higher perspective of in order to break free?

This is the question that came to mind as I pulled these two cards for our guidance for the week.

The giraffe tall and one who walks with such ease and grace invites us to know that there is no hurry to fully understand a challenge or situation we may find ourselves in that we don’t yet know the answer to.

In order to gain insight and clarity, we are being asked to allow grace to lead the way, open our eyes and our heart to a larger and more vast perspective – simmer and rest in different views – and apply this contemplative spaciousness to an area we perhaps feel stuck in.

It’s in the allowing of our minds to clear of mental clutter, appreciating and soaking in the unknown, and allowing what needs to enter as a whisper from our inner knowing, that a breakthrough is able to flow naturally and help us see things from a different and more enlightened perspective.

It takes courage to follow your truth after you’ve discerned all the vast opinions and thoughts from others. But it’s with the grace and ease of Giraffe that you hold your head high and move forward with what matters most to your soul in order to evolve.

Cards from: Soul Coaching Oracle Cards by Denise Linn and Wild Messengers by Lola Pickett


As I was moving through my yoga practice this morning I was struck by the sun dancing through the birch tree leaves as I saw it through my window.

We are able to see energy though I’ve not yet been able to, but do know of someone who has experienced this. I couldn’t help but to at first think this is what I was seeing until I realized it was the sun filtering through the birch leaves and seeing it through my window made it appear in a light I’d not witnessed before. And then I just couldn’t’ help think it was the fairies that were here this morning doing a special and magical dance just for me to see.

I grabbed my phone and was able to capture the dancing of light or faeries if you choose to call it this too – and was surprised at how well it came through. Just look at the trunk of the tree and right in front of it you should see the sparkle of dancing light. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Wishing you a beautiful week filled with lots of light…and a few fairies to guide you too.  🙂



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