The Lion on My Path

Photo Credit

I love and appreciate how nature oftentimes ‘talks’ to us and provides us clues to guide us on our earthly journey.

Though at times, I’m still surprised at how this happens because I certainly didn’t expect to see a Lion on my path- or the starting of one I should say – during a recent morning walk.

Winding my way past a small wooded area I spotted a clump of oak leaves lying on the ground.

The next day, still in their exact spot I saw in my minds eye the making of a Lion’s mane. But it wasn’t until the third day that a strong pull enticed me to bring those leaves home and create a piece of art.

As I created this mixed media piece I thought about how we can be afraid at times to express who we truly are. But it was Lion wanting to share a message that nudged me to pay attention and began with that clump of oak leaves that appeared to me as a Lion’s mane. Though the left and more logical side of my brain dismissed it for two days.

But animals and nature never give up on trying to guide us…and…

Original SOLD. Prints Available Here.

Lion gives us courage to explore what it is that makes us want to play small and fear being ourselves. How this often happens somewhere in our childhood when we established this pattern of protection.

Lion invites us to roar, whether loud or quiet, and share our true spirit. The planet needs our light. It matters.

And the animals want us to live with inner peace and joy. They are standing by just waiting to guide us… How cool is that?!

As a child, little did I know how animals were going to become my biggest and most compassionate allies. But it was through their dedicated love and encouragement that I’d grow in many ways. And I continue to!

And why I’m excited and looking forward to sharing the wisdom of animal and oracles this Saturday, November 4th for a Special Online Event. So if this speaks to you, it’s a gentle reminder that I’d welcome little and big YOU to join me and host Christine Noble Seller. Just click on the photo for details and to register!

