Then…and Now.

frankie and cole 20 months eCole was just 20 months old when he began visiting Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dogs statue at Bookworm Gardens.

It has now become a tradition that he visits there every year and has his picture taken with Frankie.

Now five years old, this is his picture with Frankie taken recently.

frankie and cole e

What a gift it is to me to know that Frankie continues to inspire even though she is no longer physically here. For all the days I cried for the loss of her, I now rejoice in the joy that she left behind and the many generations she will continue to have a positive impact on.

I’m so grateful when someone shares a photo of a little one with Frankie’s likeness, like Cole’s mom, Ann did on my Facebook page. It is a reminder of all the blessings Frankie was, and will always be.

If you are new to my blog, you can learn more about Frankie through the books I’ve written about her.