Wednesdays with the Wisdom of Dog: Simplicity

Wednesdays with the Wisdom of Dog: Simplicity

I picture Snoopy when I think of simplicity. His little stick with a bandana tied to the end forming a sack with just his few belongings – likely just his dog bowls and some food – and perhaps a bit of bird seed for his sidekick Woodstock.

He could go anywhere, really— explore the world with just a few basic needs.

For many years now I’ve been trying to simplify my life. Unloading stuff that is no longer necessary – many of which were really never necessary to begin with. But at the time I just felt I had to have.

I’ve gotten better at living more simply and I continue to make strides. For me, this means really consciously thinking about what I bring into my home and about the purchases I make.

There is something so enticing about simplicity that Dog never needs to change their outfit. They are beautiful just as they are.

They don’t worry about what shampoo to buy, what makeup to wear or new trends that come out. What you see, is what you get with them.

Though there are many elaborate dog houses out on the market, I think if they could speak and we humans would listen, it isn’t what matters to them. They just want a soft place to lay next to the master they love.

I believe in all their many ways of being that Dog conveys to us to keep it simple. Like just going for walk with them – the simplicity in that brings so much joy for me. Or just sitting with them on the floor or sofa. That’s it, plain and simple – just being in the presence with each other – nothing else needed.

Simple, simple, simple = joy, joy, joy = more freedom.

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