With Every Living Thing There is a Lesson to be Gleaned

With Every Living Thing There is a Lesson to be Gleaned

Every time I see a Christmas cactus, I can’t help but think of my auntie Gail. I wonder if she knows this?

For the past few years she has posted photos  on Facebook of her many Christmas cacti when they are in bloom. They always make me smile.

She has a green thumb. Mine? Well, not so much. Perhaps it is that I don’t devote as much love and attention onto plants as I do my dogs.

Hmmmm. That could be the reason.

But I decided to give it another go this year and couldn’t resist passing up this lovely little bright pink cactus that was full of happy buds. So I brought her home.

She must be a she all in hot pink, right?

She resides in all her splendid glory on my altar with lots of light in my writing cottage.

And this morning when I entered my cottage after crunching through the small bit of snow we had overnight, she had a gift for me!

Her first bud to blossom and oh, how beautiful she is.

I just love how her vivid color was a promise of spring against the soft glow of white snow, with just a hint of fall yet in some of the shrubs outside my window.

All seasons within my grasp in that moment. It took my breath away and reminded me that like life, and all it’s different seasons of ebb and flow we go through, there is always a bright spot, even when life hands us challenges.

It’s a reminder to live within that awareness and be ready at any moment for beauty to call us back into the moment and fill us again with hope.

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