Writer’s Rooms

I am always fascinated by other writer’s rooms or those that create and where they create.  What does their space look like?  What are they surrounded by?  Came across this link provided by another writer, so thought I would share.  http://books.guardian.co.uk/writersrooms

I LOVE to see and read about how other artists create and to see their little nooks of space is always inspiring to me.  Guess I have read and seen so many, that is why I finally had to have one of my own.  What a difference it has made for me in my psyche.  I can have it quiet, or I can have music playing… whatever I am in the mood for.  No phone, no TV, no noise.  It is paradise.  It is amazing what sitting in silence even if just for five minutes can do for you.  Try it sometime… you will want more and more of it just like I do.  Then maybe you just might have to create a little space of your very own… or perhaps you already have one.  Feel free to share a picture if you do… I’d love to see it!