You Asked the Question. How Does Kylie Like Gidget? I Answer.

kylie and gidgetIt was late when I got home with Gidget last Friday night. Steph’s connecting flight with Gidget had been delayed two hours.  After getting Steph to her hotel room and then getting to know Gidget, I felt myself getting quite tired from all the anticipation, excitement, and running on little sleep. After a tearful and grateful goodbye, I headed home around 10:00pm.

It was 11:15pm when I got home. Well past my bedtime!  The house was dark and Kylie and John were fast asleep.  I tiptoed quietly into the house with my special little fur bundle. I was giddy with excitement, but also didn’t want to startle my two sleepyheads. So I turned on a side light.  This was enough to get both my sleeping beauties to stir.

It took John a bit to wake up from a deep sleep, while Kylie jumped down off the bed and came to check out what it was I was holding in my arms.  I said, “Come meet your new little sister.”

I walked to the kitchen and Kylie followed.  I bent down by her and let her sniff Gidget. As Kylie lay on the hardwood floor, I set Gidget  down. She proceeded to wiggle walk around the kitchen checking things out, rather oblivious to the big yellow dog who just gave her a big sniff.

Kylie has always been a dog that just goes with the flow of things. While I can never really know what she thinks, I do believe if she could talk she would tell me she expected I’d be bringing home another dachshund eventually. I swear watching her watch Gidget she was thinking, “Well, it’s about time!”

If you’ve lived with a dachshund you know they have this way of becoming queen or king of the house almost instantly. It is no different with Gidget.  She is now the Queen and Kylie is happy to let her be just that. Never being an alpha dog, this is fine with Kylie.

They have not yet really played together, but I think in time that will happen too. It is all still so new. But I must say, Kylie is a wonderful big sister. But more than that she, is a great dog. She has been laid back and gentle all her eight years. Just like all my dachshunds with IVDD have done with adapting to their life as it is, so it is with Kylie. Nothing really flusters her except strangers or strange dog’s in the yard.

I know introducing a new dog to a dog already in your household does not always go smoothly creating not so happy endings at times.  I count my blessings that Kylie is fine with Gidget and vice versa.  Home Sweet Home.