Author Visit Via Skype or In-Person with Barbara Techel & Special Dog Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog will uplift and inspire your students, teachers!

Frankie will instill in your students how to make positive choices, deal with adversity, give back to their community despite challenges and help them see differences in a positive way.

During our visit whether in person or via Skype Frankie will share her journey of how she could walk like a regular dog for the first six years of her life, how she became injured, was custom-fitted for a doggie wheelchair and persevered.  Not once did Frankie feel sorry for herself and she will inspire your students to be the best and to never give up, no matter what.

Our typical half hour program includes:

  • Introduction of Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog
  • Frankie’s story via Power Point
  • Video (if via Skype) of Frankie rolling in her wheels, or demo in person
  • Demo of how Frankie gets in and out of her doggie wheelchair with student participation
  • Demo of physical therapy Frankie had with student participation
  • Selected reading
  • Q & A

Contact author, Barbara Techel and Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog for available dates and fees.  For more information on our in-person visits, as well as Skype visits please visit our website and click on author visits tab.

There you will find a free down loadable ebook to help plan your visit whether via Skype or in-person.

We look forward to meeting you and your students soon!

Special note:  If your school does not use Skype we are open to other types of video conferencing so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Hundenruhe Haven Sanctuary for Senior Dogs

A few years ago I wrote an article about my friend Jodee and her husband.  They run a wonderful sanctuary not too far from where I live.

I met Jodee when she used to sell home baked doggie treats at our local Farmer’s Market to help raise money for their sanctuary.  Always accompanying her were the two cutest terrier’s, Olive and Baci.  Frankie became fast friends with the dogs, and as dogs have a way of doing, it opened up a friendship between Jodee and me.  I’ll never forget visiting their sanctuary to interview her for her story.  I was so impressed with the love and devotion she has for terrier’s and senior dogs.

She no longer makes dog treats to sell at the market because of her job as a teacher, as well as running the sanctuary, so I’m always happy to see her when she visits the market.  This past Saturday she came with a new friend.  Let me introduce you to Ted E. Bear.

Sadly, Ted. E. Bear lived the first nine years of his life cooped up in a cage, only let out to breed.  He also has no teeth and his little pink tongue hung out the side in the most endearing way.  Jodee had him out to socialize him, so she asked if I would hold him.  I thought she’d never ask!!  As I held this sweet little bundle in my arms tears instantly sprang to my eyes.  My heart was a whirl of emotions of immense sadness for what he had to endure, while at the same time such joy that he would now live out his life with Jodee, her husband Dan, and their loving brood of dogs.

I was also overwhelmed with gratitude for what Jodee and Dan do for these animals.  They are quiet people, never looking for praise or attention, but just wanting to love these older dogs, who often times never get this love and are put to sleep if a home cannot be found for them.

Jodee and Dan do not run their sanctuary as a non-profit (as many know the paperwork and red tape can be too much to bear), but instead they pay out of their own pockets for food and medical care for at least 10 dogs at a time.  They are always appreciative of any donations and have it set up on their blog that anyone can donate directly to their vet if that is more comfortable.

I know they would never want to be called hero’s and I understand that- they are doing what they truly love and what they feel they were called here to do.  Being with all these animals brings them more blessings than any title could provide.  They do it because it is just who they are… so in my book I’m going to say they are very, very special people (I’d even say angels here on earth) and I just wanted to thank them publicly on my blog for all they do.  God Bless You and all the animals of Hundenruhe!

Embrace Change

It is not often that I will re-read a book I’ve already read.  In fact, I think maybe I might have done it once before, but that would be it. For some reason A Walk by the Sea and The Second Journey, both by Joan Anderson called me back to read both of them.  I kept trying to shake the feeling, thinking, na, I read those already.  But it wouldn’t leave my mind, so I “gave in” and read both books in the past two weeks.

When I began delving into searching for what I wanted in life about 5-years ago I ran across Joan’s books.  I remember reading them and never wanting them to end.  Joan set out on a journey to figure out what she wanted, not knowing what it would be or what would happen.  She set out for her cottage on Cape Cod for a whole year to herself… and yes, without her husband. She learned alot about herself that year, and continues to learn.

I’m so glad I went back and read these two books because it reminded me that we can choose a path, and that path may change, and that is okay.  To not be afraid of change.  To embrace it.  I have learned more about change through my dogs than anything, but books like Joan’s help me to read it in words and from another woman’s point of view.  I had been struggling recently with letting go of some things that I felt were not serving my purpose and my mission and trying not to feel guilty as I made those changes. As I finished reading The Second Journey, Joan ended with these thoughts below in her book, which brought it all full circle for me about embracing change once again.  I was especially struck by the line, “Strive to go deeper, rather than forward” as that what seems so appealing to me right now…to go deeper.  And when we let go of what is not serving us any longer, it is fun to watch what we allow to then come in.

Embrace change- knowing that life is always being reconfigured.

Befriend the person you are striving to become.

Welcome new paths.  Enjoy the detours.

Strive to go deeper rather than just forward

Know that most unnecessary demands come from the unfinished parts of self.

Beware of speed.  It is often one’s undoing.

Wholehearted is the way.  Half-hearted will kill you.

Harness your evolvement.    Let god of what is outlived to make room for the unlived.

-Joan Anderson, The Second Journey