Special Needs Pet Feature of the Week: Peanut

What is your pets name?


How old is your pet?

11yrs old

Where did you get your pet?

Several years ago we got a call from Ann, a vet tech from Dr. Roy’s Palm Beach Veterinary Specialists Clinic about a dachshund needing rescue because his owners were unable to finish his rehab because of health problems of their own. We were already fairly experienced with IVDD dogs, having experience with our Dahti & Chickie and unlimited help from people on the Dodgerslist forums.

What is your pets physical challenge?

IVDD, a disc disease common to dachshunds.

What is your pets favorite thing to do?

Sleep & Eat. Peanut is retired here at our house along with our two other IVDD dachshunds Dahti & Chickie. He enjoys going outside and just sitting in his favorite spot and just watching the world go by.

What is your pets favorite thing to eat?

Peanut can be a little bit picky, but loves his little treats of pieces of pumpernickel bread.

What do you love most about your pet?

He is a happy-go-lucky little guy who has worked his way into our hearts.

What has your pet most taught you?

How to persevere. He doesn’t let his handicap get in his way.

Anything else you’d like to share?

When we got Peanut he was overweight, a little over 24lbs, way too much for a ‘tweenie’ dachshund. He was only two weeks post-op and still not able to use his back legs. We kept him on crate rest for another eight weeks, only allowed out to pee & poo and to get massage on his hind legs and hips. After the crate rest he began water therapy to strengthen his muscles. We also got his weight down to 18lbs. One day while drinking water he just stood up on his own! Peanut is never going to be 100%,he walks a little wobbly but sure can run when he wants to, especially when dinner is being served!

***If you care for a special needs pet and would like your pet featured, please email me through my website contact. Send a photo and I will forward the questionnaire for your pet to be featured in an upcoming post.***