book launch

Book Launch a Success and Upcoming Radio Interview


I  can’t even begin to describe adequately what the last few weeks have felt like. At times floating on a cloud, then feeling surreal, to soaking in all the glorious moments.

Last night I had my book launch at the Plymouth Arts Center.  Photo album posted on Facebook  if you’d like to see the wonderful turn out. As I said on Facebook earlier in the day yesterday, “an accumulation of minutes, hours, days, months and years… but most of all moments that bring me to this day.”

The night went so fast!   As I did my reading from part of Chapter 20 which is about “The Gift of Jackson”  I felt Frankie make herself known strong in my heart as I read the last line of that section of the chapter, “Thank you, Frankie. I love you so much.”  As I looked out into the audience I saw many tears in other’s eyes as well… and I knew in that moment Frankie’s spirit will live forever.

Joie had me nervous as we set up as she was on my heels carrying on and on. Oh dear.  But then as the night settled in, she rested comfortably by John. She was the perfect angel. I was so proud of how well she handled so many people petting and admiring her.  A small stirring whirled in my heart for hope of her being a therapy dog someday.

Though it feels like an ending after sending out close to 350 copies of my book as special editions and now my book launch complete, I remind myself it truly is jut the beginning. So many new hearts I hope my book will find its way to as the days and months move forward.

Now begins my Joyful Paws Jaunt on line tour and I’ll be sharing weekly stops I’ll be making on different blogs and a few radio shows, so stay tuned!  First stop is The Biz Connection  radio show which airs tomorrow at 11:00am CST (click on the old time looking radio on the top right hand side to listen live). I’ll be talking about writing, publishing, and inspiration.  Hope you can catch the show!


This Little Light of Mine

pink trees

Here it is, the eve before my book launch for Through Frankie’s Eyes Am I nervous?  A wee little bit. But most of all I’ve never been more ready!

As I checked my email this morning the above quote was waiting for me.  It couldn’t have been more perfect. It was my sign from the Universe supporting me and reaffirming for me that I’m on the right path. It is time to let this light of mine shine!  Remember that song?

I feel like I finally understand the deepest depth of this quote. All those times I played small did no one any good- most of all myself. But the more of us who can embrace that light within us and shine it out into the world is only going to have a positive ripple affect. How can it not?

My heart is crying tears of joy for the release of my story knowing I’m taking a big leap. A leap to carry on the lessons Frankie taught me to STAND TALL, Be AUTHENTICALLY me, and live by my own truth.  The love of Frankie’s heart lives large in mine as she rests there as a reminder to never dim the light of who I am.

And just as I typed those words, our song came playing on the radio, Landslide.  Now that is an absolute confirmation for me that we are always connected even when we can’t see or touch and reminds me of this quote:  “There is no death, only a change of worlds.” -Chief Seattle

I promise you sweet Frankie I will continue to let my light shine… thanks for leading the way.

Frankie book quote

Walking Down Memory Lane Today Preparing for My Book Launch

frankie legacy studios shot from behind

 Photo credit:  Legacy Studios

I’m preparing for my book launch which will be held at the Plymouth Arts Center in a nearby town only six miles from my home. It will be on Thursday, Feb. 28th.  Part of what I’m putting together is a slide show that I’ll have running on a loop for the evening on my laptop.  I’m planning on a short talk, selected reading, Q & A and then a book signing. Joie will also be on hand to meet everyone.

I’m happy to say that I’ve been smiling during the process of looking through photos to include in the slide show. I’m also amazed at everything Frankie and I did together. Pictures really do tell the story. I do wish I could have gotten more photos when we visited over 400 schools and libraries in person and via Skype. But it’s tough when you are dealing with kids and sharing photos via the Internet. So those memories I carry in my heart.

The above photo is one of my favorite and was taken by a local photographer. I plan to use this as the last photo of the slide show.  I believe Frankie has just moved on into another realm and that someday I’ll see her again. So this photo reminds me of that as if she is saying, “We will meet again one day. Have no doubt.”

I know many of you that follow along on my blog are not from the area and won’t be able to attend the book launch. I’m going to see about having the slide show available for you to see so you can feel like you were actually a part of the launch… and after all, many of you were very much a part of our journey. I’m so thankful for each and everyone of you for your support so I’ll see what I can do about sharing the slide show with you too.