dog carts

Letting Go of this One Word Could Just Possibly Improve Your Life.


Expectations are disappointments under construction. – Joan Anderson

Image a world where we didn’t have expectations? I truly believe it would be a world with way fewer struggles. More acceptance of each other and happier souls walking this planet.

Ever notice when you go into a situation with expectations? How often are you disappointed? What if we just opened ourselves to possibilities instead of trying to control everything around us?

I can’t stop thinking about this quote ever since I read it in Joan’s newsletter yesterday. It really resonates with me. How many times I’ve caused myself angst because of how I expected something to turn out.  There are so many. But as a woman who is a work in progress, I am getting better at not disappointing myself.  Because I know I am to blame when this happens.

But being a woman in progress means I get to start fresh again the next time. I have a new opportunity to not set myself up for disappointment.

One example that came flying to the forefront of my mind was when Frankie became paralyzed. There was no other option in my mind of expectations but for her to walk again. I couldn’t fathom her having to live the rest of her life in a wheelchair. You know how much sadness and grief that caused me? But looking back on it today, I wouldn’t change a thing. I grew exponentially from that experience.

My expectations in this situation led me to becoming a better human being. I learned so much about myself in the process and changed in ways I never thought possible. So even though expectations can cause us great angst, I also think they can be wonderful opportunities to learn and to see that letting go of control will improve our well being.

Jackson and Frankie 1I would have never met Jackson, who also has special needs, if not for Frankie.  She positively effected the life of Jackson helping him feel better about himself.

What I appreciated that Joan shared also is that expectations are really our ego trying to get the best of us. We make expectations all about ourselves. We try to control circumstances so that we don’t have to face a fear we may have or so that we can remain happy in all situations.

That is what I did with Frankie, not wanting her initially to be in a wheelchair. It was because of how I felt I would be judged. How I worried that others may think I was cruel for putting my dog in a wheelchair. My own insecurity about myself and my self image played huge into this equation.

Thankfully, as many of you know who have followed my blog since Frankie, I came to my senses. This was about a sweet, gentle creature who needed my help and deserved to live a happy, quality life. Throwing my expectations out the window opened up a path for me that I never planned or saw coming. What a ride it was and I’m so grateful.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIf I had stayed in the place of expectations, not accepting Frankie needed a wheelchair, I would have never met all the wonderful kids I did. Thousands of kids are now part of my heart forever.

Two Years & 26 Dogs Later.

frankie fund bannerToday, the summer solstice, two years ago, is when Frankie made her transition into eternity.

Today I pay tribute to Frankie who changed my life in ways I never saw coming. I’m a better human being because of her. I carry her in my heart always. I no longer shed tears of sadness for the loss, but treasure the oodles of beautiful memories that light up my heart every time I think of her. To carry on her legacy through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day are two of my greatest honors. I carry on your motto with pride: Always be positive, make a difference, and keep on rolling!

Guess what Frankie? Gidget and I are heading out on a special mission this morning.  I can’t help but think your spirit led us to do this. We will be doing a home inspection in a nearby city for an older couple wishing to adopt a chihuahua from a neighboring state. I have a feeling you’ve got a paw in helping this little one find her new home. We have accepted the mission and hope that this little new one has a new forever home soon. I have a feeling you already know the outcome.  Forever and always, I will love you my Frankie girl.

Meet Oscar: #24 Recipient of a Dog Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

oscar 1200Get your dancing shoes on! Join me in the happy walk ‘n roll dog dance celebrating Oscar, dog #24 who gets his wheels with help from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund!

Here’s the wonderful letter sent to me, as well as, Leslie at Eddie’s Wheels who I work with in providing these quality, custom made wheelchairs:

Hello Barbara & Leslie,

I just wanted to thank you so much for helping Oscar and I with the funds for his chair. I ended up raising $150.00 from bake sales and just people wanting to help out!! With the help of the Frankie fund to fund the rest we were able to purchase his cart! I received it yesterday from Eddie’s Wheels and it was built perfectly!! It couldn’t fit any better and he immediately took to it and loved it!! You all have such great hearts and Oscar and I are so thankful for all of your help. It’s heartwarming to know there are other people out there like me who will never give up on our fur babies.  From the bottom of my heart…thank you again.

Very truly yours,
Danielle & Oscar Neher

To learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and how you can apply or contribute please visit the website National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day. The cost of a wheelchair, depending on the size and needs of the dog runs anywhere from $350-$1,500.

To learn more about dog wheelchairs, please visit Eddie’s Wheels.

As a reminder, a portion of proceeds of the purchase of this very roomy and durable tote bag from our friends at Beangoods goes to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. Order yours here today!

Screen_shot_2014-02-17_at_3.16.20_PMAlso from now until June 28th during their pre-sale 10% of proceeds from the sale of this T-shirt will go to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund from our friends at What’s Up Dox Dachshund Shoppe. Order yours here today!
