
Gratitude, Amazing Grace, and Synchroncity

Gratitude, Amazing Grace, and Synchroncity

Last night I was feeling low about a few things—and was having a good inner talkin’ with myself.

While I believe in being positive and looking for the lesson in each challenge, I am human, and have my moments of own personal struggles.

At first I wasn’t being very nice and beating myself up internally for things I should have said or done, and didn’t.

But I know better that this won’t get me anywhere, yet, I needed to just be in that place for a while.

I decided to watch the replay of Super Soul Sunday from this past week in which Oprah interviewed Whintley Phipps, who is a minister and has the most beautiful singing voice.

His wisdom was what I needed to hear to stand in my truth and to forgive myself when I lose my way, just as I was feeling last night.

And out of the blue, Whintley burst out singing “Amazing Grace.” A song that never fails to bring tears to my eyes. What is it about that song that is so cleansing for the soul? I was grateful to hear him sing it and instantly felt uplifted.

This morning, after feeding the dogs, I went out to my Zen writing cottage to meditate for a few moments. I brought Gidget with me and thought perhaps she’d want to snuggle in her bed. But instead, she came over to the chair where I was getting ready to settle in. She was looking up at me as if she wanted to take in some meditation too.

I picked her up and she made herself comfortable next to me, where we sat in Zen for 15-minutes listening to some morning meditation music on Pandora.

I’d been meditating faithfully, but then stopped for awhile. But when I was done today I realized how I missed it and how much better I felt. I promised myself to build this back into my day again — even if on some days I can only fit in 5-minutes. It felt so good to be reminded of how it makes me feel better. I think perhaps Miss Gidget enjoyed it too.

After my meditation I read the days entry from a book I enjoy called “Journey to the Heart” by Melody Beattie.

And the passage for the day she talked about how the song “Amazing Grace” had been following her throughout her travels. But it was at one point along her traveling to different states when she heard the song yet again, thinking “Amazing Grace” was following her. But then she said,  that “No, grace had found me.”

And she wrote about how the power of gratitude never wanes and how we should say it when we believe it and when we don’t… and soon again you will hear the music too – “this song of grace will touch you with its haunting melody.”

And this I knew, that even though I was feeling down and out last night, I’d come back to the surface again and find my way back to joy. No one ever promised that the journey to your deepest hearts desires was going to be easy.

But hearing Whintley sing this soul moving song last night, then reading it in Melody’s book, then lunch with a friend who told me about a ritual she shares with her girls of a cheer they do each morning about being happy – and how sometimes even when we aren’t, we have to believe we will be again.

The synchronicity of how this all unfolded for me within less than a 24-hour span leaves me feeling grateful for how the universe does indeed support us if we allow ourselves to move through what we are feeling, and if we are willing to do the work to get to where we want to be.

Amazing, amazing grace….indeed.

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Life in Sharp Focus

Life in Sharp Focus
My family. I love them.

It’s so easy to take life for granted. Then someone you know dies and life is put back into sharp focus again.

A teacher that John had in high school, who was also his wrestling coach, died in a car accident a few days ago. Someone blew a stop sign and ended his life. He was only 71.

How fast life can change. I think of my mom often with a similar situation, her husband passing away while up north last November. Never to walk through their front door again.

I try to remember to not take life for granted.

Sitting outside this lovely summer Sunday morning, Gidget and Kylie hanging out and my Johnnie with a cup of coffee in hand.

I sat on the front stoop and felt immense gratitude for my life with this little family of ours.

We live simply. We laugh often. We love deeply.

It’s all I ever want. And it’s something I remind myself is here for only a short time. So soak it all in and give thanks.

PS:  In case you are wondering what all the white/yellow fuzz is on the grass, well, that is Kylie’s fur. She is shedding like crazy lately. Many little Kylie tumbleweeds float through our house if I don’t keep up on combing her out. I love my time with just her when I brush her.  I think she likes it too.

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Feeling Grateful for Each of You…and So Much More!

2013-11-28 18.42.24 eI hope your Thanksgiving was warm, cozy and full of laughter, love and all good things. May all those good feelings continue through the end of the year and into next.

If you are like me, you may be busy decorating the house for the holidays, curled up reading a good book or perhaps spending time with family and friends. Or maybe you are out shopping.  You won’t find me shopping though. No malls for this girl! But hey, if that’s your thing, happy shopping!  Did you notice that rhymed?  🙂  I am actually out the door soon as I’ll be helping with the set up of my friend Cassy’s new studio and shop like I did on Wednesday.  It is coming together nicely!

I just want to take a moment to say how grateful I am for each of you and being a part of my Joyful Paws community. When I left on my sabbatical in September, I was fearful I would lose some of you. But I came back to find you were still here, waiting patiently,  supporting me in your hearts. I am so incredibly thankful for all your support and kindness when I left, and now with my return.

I believe being grateful is a choice. I am reminded of that during this season of joy. We can certainly find many things wrong in the world just by turning on the news. But I choose to look for the good and find much to be grateful for. It is usually in the smallest of things or moments that I find my greatest joy. I encourage you to make a list of the things that bring you joy, which automatically leads you to feeling grateful.  Here are just a few of mine:

  • Smooching the girls (and John too!)
  • Snuggle time with the girls (and John too!)
  • Laughing with John
  • Curling up to the wood stove with a good book
  • Watching snow fall outside my writing cottage window
  • Listening to holiday music
  • Lighting candles

I really could go on and on, but I’ll keep it short. What brings you joy that you are grateful for?  Just leave a comment below- I’d love to know!

PS:  This year I want to say an extra special thank you to someone I am so grateful for.  That person is Stephanie from On My Way Home Dachshund Rescue who loved little Gidget with all her heart…. enough to let her go, even though it was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. She gave me such an incredible gift in Gidget. I’ll always be thankful for what she did for me.