This was not an easy decision for me to make to share this news with Frankie’s many fans. It’s not that I didn’t want to, but I needed to process this for myself first.
While I have HOPE Frankie will continue to be with me for some time to come, I felt it important to share with all of you, her fans, who have followed and loved her over the years.
On Friday, one day after her retirement, Frankie was diagnosed with Chronic Heart Disease. While you will often hear it referred to as Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) I have chosen to say disease and be positive she will live comfortably with this.
While I won’t say what type of treatment we have chosen for Frankie, as I feel that is a choice that only I can make for her and I feel comfortable with the choice, I will say she is receiving treatment…. And most of all, lots of love from me and her family. Part of my struggle in sharing the news of her diagnoses is I know others will want to help and offer advice. I get that. But know I am not seeking advice and that I am doing what I feel is best for her. We’ve been together just about 24/7 every day for the past six years so I know in my heart the choices I make for her are the right ones.
She had a rough day and night on Sunday but is doing better today and showing signs of improvement. She will be closely monitored by me and her vet. There is no definitive prognosis as Frankie’s vet explained that each dog is different and responds differently. It could be a month, nine months, a year or two, or anywhere in between.
What I do know is Frankie is comfortable today. What I do know is I love her more than I could ever adequately express. What I do know is I’ll be here for her every step of the way. What I do know is I’m being prepared for “someday” and I take it seriously, but not too seriously that I don’t enjoy every moment of JOY with her. What I do know is I will do my very best for her. What I do know is I’ll forever be grateful to God for her. What I do know is she has many people who love her and will pray for her. I believe in prayer and healing thoughts.
What I do know is that there is a beginning and an end, but with an end, also a beginning. I will not focus on the end, but will enjoy whatever time with Frankie I have that is God’s will. And I also believe there is never truly an end; just a next step in the next journey we move into… whatever that journey is for any of us… including our pets.
Lastly, if there is one thing that Frankie taught me that truly resonates with me right now is that there is always HOPE. I hold onto that. Yes, I do hold onto hoping I have much more time with her, but I also have HOPE that I’ll be guided no matter what the path is ahead.
I’ll continue to keep you posted.
For the soul of every living thing is in the hand of God. ~Job 12:10