
What Does it Mean to Be Wiser & Wilder?

What Does it Mean to Be Wiser and Wilder?

What wilder meant to me when I was younger, means something entirely different these days. Wilder when I was in my 20s and 30s, when I look back, often felt disjointed. I was trying to find my way of what it was that mattered, but often found myself getting caught up in how I was supposed to be according to society’s beliefs.

Ack! I’m so glad I know better these days. Though, this being human still can have its moments of forgetting and falling back into old patterns. But here’s where the wiser part kicks in and the work I’ve done to date, and continue to do on my inner world, is what supports me in knowing that the only way to be in this crazy, oftentimes complex world, is to be who I am.

During the month of May I’m honored to be one of five women interviewed for the one year book celebration written by Kaya Singer, Wiser and Wilder, A Soulful Path for Visionary Women Entrepreneurs”. When I read Kaya’s book a few months ago I felt like someone finally understood me. Her wise words had, and continue to, have a positive impact on me – guiding me to continue to be who I am in the world – one small or large step at a time.

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Just looking at the cover of Kaya’s book, which is a painting she did, I LOVE what it conveys to me – that growing older does not have to be negative or that you no longer have value – but that it can be glorious in so many ways! It also makes me think about indigenous cultures and how they have always valued the elderly and their wisdom.

And something I’d wished I’d understood when younger, and Kaya writes about beautifully in her book, is weaving into our life and work all the aspects that make us women – whether we are in the maiden, mother or crone stage of our lives. But that tapping into each of these energies can serve us in living our best lives.

So how am I wilder these days? I don’t worry so much what others think of me and my choices – I lean more and more into living by the beat of my own drum…and it’s what I believe wilder is all about.

To join in with all the wiser and wilder women during the one year birthday celebration, come visit Kaya’s special celebration page here.  My interview will be on Monday, May 8th and where you can catch all the interviews. Also, on May 31st there will be a Fire Circle Call where we will all be gathered and you are invited to come share your story!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

The Fairy Who Came to Dance in My Writing Cottage

The Fairy Who Came to Dance in My Writing Cottage

My morning started with one of my dark chocolate coconut nibs being in the shape of a heart…and then someone on Instagram pointed out it is also smiling, which I didn’t initially catch. How’s that for a positive sign to start the day?

Dressed in my yoga gear with Gidget tucked under my right arm I walked twelve steps across the deck, through my periwinkle door, and into my sacred space that is my writing cottage.

As I began moving through my yoga poses, listening to an Eva Cassidy station on Pandora, I felt this presence with me.

It began as a small wisp of a flutter and a gentle nudge of a niggle. This presence swayed with grace within my imagination, beckoning me to join in.

But I was disciplined and didn’t have time for this whisper in my heart. I must move through my yoga poses as I do most days. 

And besides I was feeling shy. Go ahead, I thought, and sashay and sway all you want. I can’t join you right now.

But then it began to be a bit more insistent tickling my spirit with what it might feel like if I just let go and followed the path it was beckoning my soul to see…

And so to appease it, I decided to listen…and slowly I began to let go of feeling vulnerable…and soon enough my arms began to sway up, then down, and all around…and then my legs couldn’t help but join in carrying me where they may…as I smiled and frolicked with the fairy who came to dance in my writing cottage today.

The more I let go of “being seen”  the more my spirit soared…and the fairy’s wings flapped with utter joy at my willingness to finally open to the message she had been trying to convey to me.

The smile on my face grew wider and wider as I felt my wings being set free…dancing like no one was watching…and it was then I realized…

it was me…

I was the fairy that came to dance in my writing cottage today.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

SoulCollage® Reading for the Week for All of Us

SoulCollage® Reading for the Week for All of Us

I think many of you know by now that I LOVE oracle cards! Such helpful and fun guides to help us with life’s big and small questions. Finding SoulCollage® and making what are in a sense, my own personal oracle cards, has just helped to deepen this ritual I find such a fascination with.

The universe really does love us and is always sending us signs and symbols. Our job is to pay attention!

I have different rituals for my SoulCollage® cards and that is part of the fun of it! As I got out to my writing cottage today the thought popped in my head that I’d like to choose a card at random not only for myself, but for all of you who faithfully read my blog each day.

So here is the question I posed for us all as I shuffled my deck of SoulCollage® cards:  What do we need to know for the week?

The card I made of my favorite flower, the ranunculus, which I made earlier this year, is the one who presented itself. The answer I heard by being in silent diaglogue and journaling with it had this to offer us:

You need to know that it is going to be a beautiful week! One filled with many layers of possibilities. Just as new buds are beginning to open to the sun, so too are you being presented the same opportunity. Lift your arms and your whole being to the heavens, just like the petals of a flower opening to warmth of a new season, and embrace all of who you are. Let the exquisite beauty of you bloom and fill this world with the many magical shades of color that come from all the many layers that make you uniquely you!

I realized after choosing this card for the week, that yesterday, a friend has posted a photo of her “art studio mates” for the week, which she always has fresh flowers, and this week they are the ranunculus! Coincidence? I think not! 🙂

Photo credit: Cynthia Morris Art

Wishing you each a beautiful week!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.